Annual Reviews (Archive)
Access in Campus network

Full text database
Contains critical scientific reviews of current research in biology, chemistry, medicine and physics, published by Annual Reviews.

Acces in Campus network

Full text database
Contains reference works, journals, case law, commentaries and formularies of all fields of law.
Modules licensed to Geisenheim are labor law,  planning and building laws and regulations, law of local government (Hesse), legal protection of industrial property, law of foodstuffs, environmental law, administrative law and civil law.

Brewing Science
Access password protected

Full text database
Contains the journal "Brewing Science" as well as other journal articles in full text and links to national and international organisations, universities, research centers and databases.

CAB Abstracts
Access in Campus network

Bibliographic database, full text database
Contains literature references and abstracts of agricultural fields such as cultivation of plants, soil science, biotechnology, forestry, environmental science, nutrition and food science compiled by CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International), including the journal CAB Reviews in full text.


Collection of articles about wine and beverage technology
Bibliographic database
Contains references of literature on wine analysis, beverage research and viticulture, compiled by former Geisenheim research center of beverage technology and viticulture.

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
Access free

Full text database
Contains articles from high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

Ebook Central from ProQuest
Access in campus network
Full text eBooks
On Ebook Central you will find selected eBooks that you can read online or download for a limited time. A free Adobe ID is required to download.

Euromonitor Passport
Access in Campus network

Factual database
Contains analyses, statistics, company profiles, market and economic data in the fields of beer, spirits and wine, compiled by Euromonitor International Ltd.
Modules licensed to Geisenheim are "Alcoholic Drinks" (beer, spirits, wine) und "Luxury Goods" (fine wines/ champagne and spirits).
Login information


Abridge (formerly FIVS-Abridge)
Access in Campus network
Factual database
Contains market and industry reports, national regulations and international agreements in all fields of wine business, as well as information on production, labeling, taxation, marketing etc., compiled by the International Federation of Wines and Spirits (FIVS).
Login information


Food Science Source 
Access in Campus network
Full text database
Food Science Source is a full-text database for food science and covers more than 790 journals and other sources.

FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts
Access in Campus network

Bibliographic database
FSTA is a bibliographic database with information relating to food, beverages, and nutrition.

Google Scholar
Access free

Citation index
Contains literature references of journals and repositories of scientific publishers and societies, with citation analyses and well-known Google ranking.

HeBIS- Portal
Access free

The Hessische BibliotheksInformationsSystem is the electronic information and service union of academic libraries in Hessen and parts of the Rhineland Palatinate with one central catalog and national research options.

Langenscheidt Online-Wörterbücher
Access in Campus network

Dictionary, full text database
Contains eight volumes of "Duden" and 50 general, technical and specialised dictionaries in 21 different languages.

Access free

Contains references of literature, research information and full texts in the fields of medicine, healthcare, nutrition and agri-food sciences. Sources are catalogs, databases, journals and websites. The service is provided by ZB MED Leibniz Information Centre for Life Sciences.


Access free

Bibliographic database
Contains references of literature on agricultural science, entomology, plant production, forestry, food technology, environmental protection and geosciences, compiled by National Agricultural Library (United States Department of Agriculture).

Access free

Bibliographic database
Contains references of publications of research centers and departments related to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 

Organic eprints
Access free
Full text database
Contains references and full texts of international scientific publications and research information on organic food and farming, provided by the International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS).

Rosetta Stone
Personal account with university e-mail address
Language learning program
Rosetta Stone is an online language course that covers learning content from beginner to advanced levels. There are courses in 24 languages, 7 of which go up to level C1. Included are English and German as a foreign languags.

You already created your personal account with your HGU email address? Then use this link to log in.


Sachon Fachzeitschriftenarchiv
Access free

Full text database
Contains the journals Brauindustrie, Getränkefachgroßhandel, Getränkeindustrie, Brewing and Beverage Industry International from 1998 to present, provided by Sachon Publishing.

ScienceDirect von Elsevier
Access in Campus network
Full text database
The database offers extensive access to full texts from journals published by Elsevier.

Access in the campus network
(15 simultaneous users)
Facts database
The Souci-Fachmann-Kraut database contains nutritional data on more than 800 foods with details on over 300 different constituents.
Note: 15 simultaneous accesses are possible. To use the database (on the campus network and via VPN), click on “Login”. Please log out again at the end of your research to enable access.

Springer Link
Access in Campus network

Bibliographic database, full text database
Contains literature references, abstracts and some full texts of journals, series, books, protocols, reference works of Springer Publishing, concerning science, technics and medicine.

Access in Campus network

Factual database
Contains statistical data and market and economic data in the fields of agriculture, administration, social issues, etc., provided by Statista GmbH.

Vitis-VEA - Viticulture and Enology Abstracts
Access free

Bibliographic database
Contains literature references and abstracts of viticultural and enology topics, compiled by the Julius-Kühn-Institute (JKI).

Web of Science
Access in Campus network

Bibliographic database, citation index
Contains references of international literature on sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities and comprehensive citation analyses, provided by Thomson Reuters Publishing.
Access in Campus network

Full text database, bibliographic database
Contains references of literature on economics and social sciences, e-books and journals in full text (see source list), as well as company profiles and market data, provided by GBI-Genios Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH.