Reference Management with Citavi

A reference management software can help you with your scientific work:

  • You can import references from catalogs and databases. This references can be systematicly archived and exported again.
  • You can structure your sources
  • It can help you with the knowledge organisation and with the creation of scientific texts.

The larger the literary part of your work (seminar thesis, bachelor's or master's thesis), the more valuable a reference management software is.

The Hochschule Geisenheim University licensed Citavi for its users.


There are two versions of Citavi:

Citavi Windows, the desktop version, which only runs on Windows computers, can be downloaded here.

You can access the browser-based version Citavi Web at

In both cases, you have to create an account first (pop-up window from Lumivero).
Log in with your HGU email address to receive the licence from Hochschule Geisenheim University.


Citavi is not the only reference management programme available. 
Especially if you are not writing your thesis in Word (or Word for Mac), you can use another reference management programme.
You can find an overview here, for example.


The University offers training sessions for this program.

Duration:     ca. 60 min
Appointments: You can make individual appointments, also in groups.
Contact:  Marion Elzner (Marion.Elzner(at) and Stefanie Blum (Stefanie.Blum(at)

Library settings

For an uncomplicated access to our databases and to find full texts more easily, we have prepared the appropriate settings in Citavi for you.

Download the settings file of the university Geisenheim and copy it to your Citavi installation.
Your personal settings will not be overwritten by this but complemented.

1. Download the zip file and unzip it.
2. Start Citavi.
3. Select the menue item 'Tools' and the command 'import or export settings'.
4. Select the Import option.
5. Click Browse to select the settings file and click Next.
6. Select the settings you want to transfer.
7. Click Finish.

Citavi - training, manual, support

On the Citavi webpage you can find a detailed manual, FAQs, a comprehensive forum and more:

First Steps

Citavi Manual

Citavi Support

We offer trainings:

Marion Elzner
Phone +49 6722 502 268

Stefanie Blum
Phone +49 6722 502 267

Your contact persons for Citavi

Marion Elzner
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marion Elzner
Building 5911
Room 2.08
Phone +49 6722 502 268
Marion.Elzner(at) Details
Stefanie Blum
Dipl.-Online-Journalistin (FH) Stefanie Blum
Building 5911
Room 1.08/1.10
Phone +49 6722 502 269
Stefanie.Blum(at) Details