Professorship for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functions

Professorship for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functions

The Professorship for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functions conducts research on the effects of global change on species and habitats, the protection, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity, as well as the significance of biodiversity for ecosystem performance. One of the objectives of our research is the development of management options and measures with due consideration for conflicts of interest between nature conservation and human use. Depending on the issue in question, we use ecological field, experimental and molecular methods as well as modeling approaches. We are currently focussing on the following ecosystems of the cultural landscape: vineyards, grasslands and nutrient-poor grasslands, floodplains and riparian woodlands.


Ilona Leyer
Prof. Dr. Ilona Leyer
Building 1000
Room 218
Phone +49 6722 502 463
Ilona.Leyer(at) Details


[Translate to English:] Artenreiche Wiese mit verschiedenen, blühenden Pflanzenarten
Species-rich meadow (© Leyer)
[Translate to English:] Arnika-Wiese
Meadow with Arnica montana (© Hollmann)
Verschieden krautige Pflanzenarten im Unterwuchs von Weinreben
Biodiversity in a vineyard (© Leyer)
[Translate to English:] Flussaue in Patagonien (Foto: Leyer)
Floodplain in Patagonia (© Leyer)
[Translate to English:] Studierende im Geländepraktikum
Students on a field trip (© Mosner)
Arnica seedlings (Arnica montana) in a greenhouse (© Hollmann)
Pflanzungen von jungen Arnika-Pflanzen (Arnica montana) im Rahmen eine Freilandversuchs
Planting of Arnica montana as part of a field experiment (© Hollmann)
[Translate to English:] Grasende Schafe als Naturschutz-Maßnahme auf einer Wiese
Sheep-grazing as a nature conservation measurement (© Hollmann)
[Translate to English:] Blick in die überflutete Elbaue
Flooded Elbe floodplain (© Mosner)
Blütenstand der Brenndolden-Silge (Selinum dubium)
Flowers of Selinum dubium (© Mosner)
Blick in einen Weinberg
View into a vineyard (© Leyer)
Kleines Träubel (Muscari botryoides) im Weinberg
Muscari botryoides in a vineyard (© Leyer)