Professorship for Research into Climatic Effects on Special Crops

Professorship for Research into Climatic Effects on Special Crops

The Professorship for Research into Climatic Effects on Special Crops works mainly in the field of abiotic interactions in the “triangle of tension” between the impact and consequences of climate change, the development of adaptation strategies for sustainable and climate change-resilient agricultural ecosystems and the development of mitigation options, i.e. measures that lead to a net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.  We focus particularly on the effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations on special crops and agricultural ecosystems (FACE experiments), on biogeochemical cycles and on the possibilities for reducing the emissions of stable greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide generated through the cultivation of special crops.  This also includes research into unusual sources of GHG such as insect pests in the soil.


Claudia Kammann
Prof. Dr. Clau­dia Kam­mann
Build­ing 6101
Room 00.04
Phone +49 6722 502 755
Clau­dia.Kam­mann(at)hs-​gm.​de De­tails


[Translate to English:] Holzkohle Esche
Charcoal Ash (Foto: Hans-Peter Schmidt, Ithaka-Institut im Wallis, Schweiz)
[Translate to English:] Holzkohle Nussbaum
Charcoal Walnut (Foto: Hans-Peter Schmidt, Ithaka-Institut im Wallis, Schweiz)