Together with Fresenius University (Idstein), Geisenheim University educates the experts-to-be in food safety. The students analyze, assess and ensure the quality of food in an inter-disciplinary environment – they combine the competencies of food technologists and chemists. Apart from legal issues and technology, chemistry, biology and analysis are in focus, since guaranteeing food safety means the application of the natural sciences. Case studies, projects and excursions cater for optimal networking.

Knowledge of German language at B2-level is a requirement for this degree program, and details of which proof will be accepted can be found here. For further information about the program, please go to the German pages. An overview of our English language degree programs can be found here.

Your Contact for Degree Program and Pre-Study Internship Advice

Simone Loos-Theisen
Prof. Dr. Simone Loos-Theisen
Building 6123
Room 01.03
Phone +49 6722 502 789
Simone.LoosTheisen(at) Details
Bernd Lindemann
Prof. Dr. Bernd Lindemann
Building 6601
Room 02/1
Phone +49 6722 502 723
Bernd.Lindemann(at) Details
Facts, Deadlines and General Requirements at a Glance
Academic degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Standard study period 6 semesters
Start winter semester
Admission requirement Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Fachhochschulreife, fachgebundene Hochschulreife or equivalent recognized vocational qualification
Degree program advice Prof. Dr. Simone Loos-Theisen, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Pre-study internship advice Christian Altenkirch, B.Sc.
Master degree programs Food Safety (M.Sc.) (planned)
Application from May until September 1, applicants with foreign qualifications should apply by September 1 via uni-assist