Department of Landscaping and Vegetation Technology

As soon as we leave the house, we are surrounded by landscape architecture

The Department of Landscaping and Vegetation Technology teaches vegetation technology, construction and structural engineering in landscape architecture. It is our profound know-how that enables us to create sustainable landscape architecture.

Teaching and Research: Vegetation Technology

In “vegetation technology in landscape architecture”, we are interested in “greening” of urban areas. Our research focuses on plant use, optimization of construction materials, substrates in particular, drainage materials and cover materials resistant to roots.

We also do extensive research on “developing water retention capabilities of green roof systems” and “developing physical methods to identify substrates and their qualities”.

Teaching and Research: Construction

Our teaching methods are practice-oriented. We teach students how companies plan and implement construction projects, how to calculate costs and do a competitive cost calculation. Students learn about legal and formal requirements for procurement, construction projects, economics and law.

Teaching and Research: Construction Technology

We teach students normative requirements for realistic project management, construction techniques for building streets and public squares and comprehensive knowledge of construction materials. Our students learn about paving, solid construction such as staircase and wall construction, skeleton construction and special types of constructions such as irrigation systems and swimming pools.


Head of Department

Andreas Thon
Prof. Dr. An­dreas Thon
Build­ing 6601
Room 125
Phone +49 6722 502 758
An­dreas.Thon(at)hs-​gm.​de De­tails

Deputy Head of Department

Thomas Muschkullus
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Muschkul­lus
Build­ing 6701
Room 10
Phone +49 6722 502 759
Thomas.Muschkul­lus(at)hs-​gm.​de De­tails