Department of Modeling and Systems Analysis

Computer-assisted understanding and optimization of processes and data

The Department of Modeling and Systems Analysis focuses on projects related to the mathematical modeling, computer simulation and systems analysis of processes mainly from the fields of application covered by the research units at Hochschule Geisenheim University. We received international attention due to English, Chinese and German book publications on mathematical modeling and computer simulation.

Between 2008 and 2021, 6 PhD students and 1 Postdoc performed research projects based on an overall third party funding of about €1,000,000 (bottle cleaning and bottle emptying processes, wine fermentation, mechanical homogenization of large tanks, coffee roasting, cross-flow filtration, plant symmetry models).

All work uses state-of-the-art differential equation (e.g., ODEs, PDEs, PDE-constrained optimization, 3d computer simulations) and statistical methods (e.g. neural network, fuzzy, boosting, decision tree, random forest, classification, design of experiments, six sigma, PCA, MCA, big data) and is exclusively based on scientific open source software that can be used free of charge (e.g., OpenFOAM, Salome, ParaView, R, Maxima).

The Institute of Modeling and Systems Analysis develops Gm.Linux („Geisenheim-Linux“), a scientific Linux operating system that provides comprehensive pre-installed and pre-configured software for scientific or economic applications. Based on Gm.Linux, all project results and simulation software can be used e.g. by industrial project partners with no installation effort in virtualized operation mode on pre-existing computer hardware.


Head of Department

Jürgen Georg Jaki
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Georg Jaki
Kai Velten
Prof. Dr. Kai Velten
Building 6101
Room 01.11
Phone +49 6722 502 734
Kai.Velten(at) Details

Department Assistant

Nicole Tjarks
Nicole Tjarks
Building 6101
Room 01.07
Phone +49 6722 502 5811
Nicole.Tjarks(at) Details
Bildschirmfoto einer modellierten Gurkenpflanze. © Hochschschule Geisenheim
Zwei Hände bedienen die Steuerung für eine Drohne. © Hochschule Geisenheim