Study Costs and Financing

Before starting your studies you need to figure out how to cover your expenses. Am I entitled to a BAföG student grant? Can I get a part-time job? What kind of other options do I have to finance my studies? Below, we have put together some useful links and information about study financing.

Costs of studying

Semester fee

Hochschule Geisenheim University is the 13th university of the state of Hesse. In general, there are no tuition fees for Bachelor's or Master's programs at German state universites. Students just have to pay a semester fee twice a year which covers administrative costs, your contributions to student services and the semester ticket for public transport. The semester fee for the summer semester 2022 comes to 322,06 euros.


Costs for textbooks and other study materials

Costs for textbooks, lab equipment and other study materials vary greatly depending on your degree program and semester. On average, students spend 20 - 70 euros per semester.


Living costs

Costs for rent and utilities, telephone and internet, food, insurance, clothing, recreational activities, etc. are called living costs and are influenced by many factors. On average, students in Germany spend 850 euros to cover their expenses; most of the money is spend on rent and utilities.

Average expenses of a student:

  • rent (incl. utilities):  200 - 350 euros
  • food: about 170 euros
  • clothing: about 45 euros
  • insurance: about 100 euros
  • mobility: about  95 euro
  • telephone/internet/fees for radio/TV: about 30 euros
  • recreational activities: about 60 euros

Of course there are a lot of options to save money, for example when you live with your parents, use energy-saving electronic devices, etc.

Useful links:

Financing your studies

There are several ways to finance your studies: personal savings, parental support, getting a part-time job, full or partial scholarships, student loans or BAföG state funding.

Personal savings or parental support

Students can use their personal savings to cover their expenses or receive financial support from their parents to finance their entire studies or cover certain costs.

BAföG state funding for students

If parents cannot support their children financially, students can apply for BAföG state funding.  BAföG is the German abbreviation for the Federal Education and Training Assistance Act. Half of the financial support is usually a grand and the other half an interest-free loan. Since the BAföG rate is calculated individually based on your financial situation, we strongly recommend to seek advice from the BAföG advisory service. Please note that BAföG is only awarded to international students in exceptional cases.

Bafög Advice in Geisenheim: each October


Part-time jobs

Many students work part-time to finance their studies. But there are certain legal factors – especially for international students – that you need to figure out, such as insurance, taxes etc. Therefore, we strongly recommend to seek advice before getting a part-time job:

Special information for international students:

There are many job opportunities for students in Germany, e.g. in cafés and restaurants, wineries or supermarkets, or as tutors and academic assistants. Jobs are often advertised on the notice boards, in HGU's job portal, or you can contact the local employment agency.

Other useful job portals for students:



Scholarships are a great way to finance your studies. It's definitely worth looking into possible options because there are many scholarships that are not entirely based on top grades but also take into account other factors such as voluntary commitment or special talents.

General information (in German):

Information for international students:

 Go to HGU's scholarship website

Student loans with fixed interest rates

A student loan usually means that you have to pay back the money with interest after you have completed your studies. Therefore, we strongly recommend seeking advice before applying for a student loan!

The KfW Bank offers students loans with low interest rates. Repayment of the loan starts after you have completed your studies. German students and EU citizens who have been lawfully residing in Germany on a permanent basis for at least three years, and are registered in Germany can apply. For detailed information, please go to the KfW website.

We strongly recommend seeking advice about the conditions of the student loan! For HGU students, the Studentenwerk Frankfurt am Mainoffers financial advice and information.

Flexible student loans

In addition to student loans with fixed interest rates, there are also more flexible loans available to (international) students that offer more attractive conditions. The Studentenwerk Frankfurt am Main, for example, offers an interest-free loan. For detailed information about terms and conditions and how to apply, please go to the website.

The Advisory Center is happy to answer any questions you might have about study financing and student loans. Please click here


General Student Advisory Service

Daniela Archontas-Fadl
Daniela Ar­chon­tas-Fadl, M.A.
Build­ing 5905
Room 01.01
Phone +49 6722 502 7047
Daniela.Ar­chon­tas­Fadl(at)hs-​gm.​de De­tails

Scholarship Advice

Simone Böhm
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Si­mone Böhm