Examinations Office

Examinations Office

The Examinations Office (GSP) team is responsible for all administrative and exam-related matters.

As part of the team, the degree program coordinators are your point of contact for all organizational questions concerning your degree program.

Our team is happy to answer your questions on examinations, degree program schedules, grades, modules, assessment regulations, curricula, recognition of grades from previous degree programs and official requests to the Examinations Committee.

The Examinations Office is responsible for setting exam schedules and registration periods for all degree programs. These are issued on this website and posted on the campus notice boards.

We also issue transcripts of records, exam and degree certificates and help you with your registration for your thesis and your final oral examination (colloquium)

Please don't hesitate to come and see us if you have any questions or problems regarding your degree program; we'll do our best to help.
