Viticulture, Enology and Wine Business (M.Sc.)

The master’s degree program Viticulture, Enology and Wine Business provides in-depth scientific knowledge, research competence, process and production engineering know-how, and entrepreneurial competence in the field of wine business. The main areas of focus are the key physiological and biochemical processes in plant production, risk management in viticulture, sensory evaluation and the development of strategic concepts for wine management. This joint degree qualifies students for managerial and leadership roles in viticultural and enological branches of the industry as well as for an academic career.

This degree program is taught in German. For further information about the program, please go to the German pages. An overview of our English language degree programs can be found here.

Facts, Deadlines & General Requirements at a Glance
Academic degree Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Standard study period 4 semesters, including at least 1 semester each at BOKU Wien or Hochschule Geisenheim University
Study locations Vienna, Geisenheim
Language of instruction German, English
Start Summer & winter semester
Admission requirement B.Sc.Viticulture & Enology, International Wine Business or similar
Admission restrictions none
Degree program advice Prof. Dr. Astrid Forneck (BOKU), Dr. Christian von Wallbrunn
Application for deadlines and dates please visit BOKU Wien
Your contact for degree program advice
Christian von Wallbrunn
Dr. Chris­t­ian von Wall­brunn
Build­ing 6120
Room 01.61
Phone +49 6722 502 333
Chris­t­ian.Wall­brunn(at)hs-​gm.​de De­tails