Hochschule Geisenheim University has a single-faculty organizational structure, with the responsibilities of the Dean taken over by the Vice-President of Academic & Student Affairs, representing the academic organization. The Vice-President is the Head of the Committee for Teaching & Studying and supervises and instructs the teaching staff regarding the proper performance of their duties.
Areas of responsibility:
From 1994-1998, Prof. Dr. Mirjam Hey studied Food Chemistry at Goethe University in Frankfurt. After completing her doctoral degree in 2003 at the Institute of Food Chemistry, she worked as a food chemist at the Department of Wine Analysis and Beverage Research of the former Geisenheim Research Center from 2003 – 2009. During this time, she collaborated in the interdisciplinary project “Secondary Plant Metabolites” and conducted research in the fields of beverage analysis and technology, secondary plant metabolites and aroma components in wine, fruits and vegetables as well as analytical method development and sensory evaluation.
In December 2009, she took over the Professorship for Chemistry at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences – Geisenheim Faculty, which became Hochschule Geisenheim University in 2013.
Contact for all general enquiries. Responsibilities include:
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8 - 12
The Associate supports the Vice-President of Academic & Student Affairs in the performance of her tasks and duties. Her areas of responsibility include:
Office Hours: by appointment
The Associate supports the Vice-President in the performance of her tasks and duties. His areas of responsibility include:
Office Hours: by appointment
Responsible for investment and procurement, including:
Office hours: by appointment
Assists the Vice-President of Academic & Student Affairs by providing data relevant to capacity planning
This includes in particular:
Office hours: by appointment
University Didactics and eLearning (VL2) is responsible for all matters related to didactics and digital teaching
Office hours: weekly eLearning support, Fridays 10 – 11 am: https://bbb-srv.hs-gm.de/b/hoc-eye-vtp or by appointment
The Study Program Development Team at HGU:
Study Program development at HGU, along with the establishment of reporting in the areas of evaluation and statistics as well as the promotion of internationalization and mobility, is supported by the QuiS21 program of the Hessian State Government.
Contact: Studiengangsentwicklung(at)hs-gm.de