Addiction Prevention

Studying is an exciting time that brings with it many new experiences. However, in the midst of lectures, exams and social life, the pressure and expectations can sometimes seem overwhelming. This is when the risk of addiction is greatest.

As a university that has traditionally been involved in the production of alcoholic beverages, among other things, a responsible approach to addictions of all kinds is of particular concern to us. Our aim is therefore to inform you as comprehensively as possible about addiction prevention and to support you in living a healthy life and, for example, always ensuring a moderate approach to wine and other alcoholic beverages.

On this page you will find valuable information, tips and contacts. Regardless of whether it is about the responsible use of alcohol, drugs or other potentially addictive substances - we would like to encourage you to be a role model and look out for each other.

Wine in Moderation

Apropos, for several years, we have been a member of Wine in Moderation, a global initiative that aims to raise awareness among wine consumers and the wine industry for responsible wine consumption. More at