
Information on the Senate elections and the presidential elections

University elections:

  • Senate elections
  • President’s Council elections (President, Vice-President)

Elections of the Senate of Hochschule Geisenheim University usually take place in the winter semester. The election of the student representatives takes place every year, all other representatives are elected every two years.

Senate eclections

The small elections to the Senate will take place in the winter semester 2023/2024. The student members of Geisenheim University will elect their representatives to the Senate. The representatives of the member groups in the Senate are elected in free, equal, secret and direct elections by the respective member group according to the principles of proportional representation (list voting).


Student elections

In addition to the Senate elections, Student Parliament (StuPa) elections are held every year in the winter semester. We are looking for candidates for both committees to represent students’ interests. As a member of the StuPa or the Senate, you gain interesting insights into the university structure, can help shape university life and gain valuable experience.