Tailored to those thirsty for knowledge

Creative experimentation and a thirst for knowledge are the best qualifications for studying Beverage Technology. The special profile in the degree program is seen in the practically-oriented focus; the students produce fruit juice and fruit-based drinks, distillates, sparkling wine and – not least – beer. They treat the products from the raw ingredients through process engineering to inspection, declaration and marketing – and through this are very well qualified for management jobs within the beverage industry.

Knowledge of German language at B2-level is a requirement for this degree program, and details of which proof will be accepted can be found here. For further information about the program, please go to the German pages. An overview of our English language degree programs can be found here.

Your Contact for Degree Program and Pre-Study Internship Advice

Bianca May
Prof. Dr. Bianca May
Building 6120
Room 00.55
Phone +49 6722 502 766
Bianca.May(at)hs-gm.de Details
Frauke Dormann
Dr. Frauke Dormann
Building 6120
Room 00.22
Phone +49 6722 502 7642
Frauke.Dormann(at)hs-gm.de Details
Facts, Deadlines and General Requirements at a Glance
Academic degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Standard study period 6 semesters
Start winter semester
Admission requirement Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Fachhochschulreife, fachgebundene Hochschulreife or equivalent recognized vocational qualification
Admission restrictions none
Pre-study work experience requirement for degree program 12-week pre-study internship
Practical component of degree program practical project, 3-6-month practical experience
Dual entry possible
Degree program advice Prof. Dr. Bianca May
Pre-study internship advice Dr. Frauke Dormann
Master degree programs Beverage Technology (M.Sc.), Enology (M.Sc.), Wine Business (M.Sc.), Vinifera EuroMaster (M.Sc.)
Application from May until start of lectures winter semester, applicants with foreign qualifications should apply by September 1 via uni-assist