Online Courses

Getting off to an easy start

Did you obtain your school-leaving certificate abroad? Do you not have a traditional German university entrance qualification? Or did you graduate from school several years ago? Pre-Studyplus aims to make the start of your studies as easy as possible.

Pre-Studyplus gives you the opportunity to improve your basic knowledge in chemistry and mathematics, and helps you to acquire key competencies for your studies. The program offers eLearning modules that you can complete at your own pace before starting your studies or during the introductory phase.

The courses offered by Pre-Studyplus are provided on our learning platform ILIAS. Even if you do not have access to ILIAS because you are not (yet) enrolled, you can still use the learning modules.

In addition to the courses to acquire key competencies, seminars will be offered from time to time.


Learning Opportunities

Fit for Chemistry at Hochschule Geisenheim University

These three modules with many exercises teach you the basics in chemistry and organic chemistry. Depending on your knowledge level, you can complete the entire modules or repeat single chapters.


Fit for Mathematics at Hochschule Geisenheim University

This module provides an overview of all relevant concepts that you need to know for your studies at Hochschule Geisenheim University. Each chapter starts with a practical example and a self-assessment and concludes with a set of exercises


Key Competencies


We have developed two interactive learning modules on self-management and time management with many tips and tricks as well as a challenge after each chapter.

#studywithplanG - Self-Management

You will have a lot of work to do during your studies. Good self-management skills help you stay on top of things and always be well-prepared. Find out which level of self-organization you need and how to improve your self-organization with just a few tricks.

#studywithplanG - Time Management

In the second part of the learning module you will expand your time management techniques. You will learn for example how to find your peak productivity times during the day and how to set priorities. You will also get an overview of how to create a study schedule for exams and a weekly schedule.

Basic knowledge of interculturality

Intercultural knowledge for all those who are studying abroad: Whether you are studying at Hochschule Geisenheim as an international student or planning to go abroad, this self-study module in three parts provides basic knowledge about interculturality and helps you to settle into your new home.


Additional Learning Opportunities for the Start of your Studies

Geisenheim Basics - Tips for (inter-)national students on starting their studies at Hochschule Geisenheim University

In an animated video Paola, an international student, tells you what you need to know before you start studying and what special aspects she has noticed.


Link to Learning Opportunities



Rita Broschek
Dipl.-Kauffrau Rita Broschek, M.Sc.
Building 5905
Room 02.04
Phone +49 6722 502 786
Rita.Broschek(at) Details

You can reach Ms. Rita Broschek at +49 170 9901853.



This project is funded by the European Social Fund and by the State of Hesse.