You need literature which is not available in our library?

Feel free to borrow books and articles using the inter-library loan system of German libraries.

Please distinguish orders of books and articles submit as many information as possible. We ask you to order each book or article separately.

Before placing your order, please check if the book is available in our library collection or if you can access it through the internet.

If you would like to receive a notification when your items are ready to be picked up, please add your email address or your phone number.

Staff of Geisenheim University: Please fill in your department, so items can be send directly to your office.

Notice: All information submitted in the ordering form will be saved according to german laws and regulations. The internet connection used is not encrypted or secured in any way.

Which items can be ordered?

Only items which are not part of the collection of the Library of Geisenheim University can be ordered.

The precondition is that the ordered literature is needed for professional or scientific purposes, or educational purposes and training.

Please check library stock by using the online-catalog prior to your order.


You cannot order: 

  • Items of our collections, currently borrowed by library users
  • Items, which are available in book shops for less than 15 Euro
  • DIN-Regulations
  • Thesis (Diploma -, Bachelor's and Master's Thesis)
  • Bound volumes of journals and newspapers
  • Parts of loose leaf editions
  • Poster presentations
  • Audiobooks and DVDs
  • E-books
Enquiries and I.L.L. renewal

You've got questions regarding inter-library loan or you want to extend your inter-library loan items? Please contact us at any case:


Tel. 06722 502 261

Please tell us your enquiry at least one week prior to the end of the lending period and please note that a renewal via e-mail is valid only if you got a confirmation in response!

Delivery and lending periods

The delivery period may vary between one to four weeks, due to availability, processing time in both libraries and duration of transport.

The lending period of an ordered item depends on rules and regulations of the item owning library and may vary. The exact date can be found on the library ticket.

Many libraries allow an automative "conditional renewal". In this case you can find two dates on your library ticket. Until the end of the loan period (Leihfrist) it is guaranteed to keep the book.
After that date, the item owning library has the right to demand the bokk back at any time if it is needed there.
After the conditional renewal runs out, the item has to be returned to the library in Geisenheim.  

Copies don't need to be returned.

Fees and charges

Registered users of our library will not be charged the usual 1,50 Euro per order at the moment.

Orders which include the copying of items may be subject to an individual charge (usually with more than 20 copied pages). The exact amount of charges depends on rules and regulations of the item owning library and is not negotiable. Please consider that before your order.