University winery donates EUR 12,921 to "Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine" and launches special edition rosé wine dedicated to Ukraine

Iryna Mazur (l.) and Olena Ovadenko (r.) were involved in the design of the label. © Woody T. Herner

In April and May, the winery of Hochschule Geisenheim University donated 1 euro to the "Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine“ initiative. In total, they raised EUR 12,921 to help students and partner universities that are affected by the war. And the amount is set to increase because the winery has launched a special edition rosé wine whose entire proceeds will be donated to the initiative.

The wine label has been designed by our nine Ukrainian students in cooperation with Dr. Andrii Tarasov, research assistant at the Department of Enology to which the campus winery belongs. “The wine is meant to show that our support is not limited to a one-time initiative, but is designed for the longer term”, explains Prof. Dr. Monika Christmann, Head of the Department of Enology. Hochschule Geisenheim University has six partner universities in Ukraine and aims to continue and enhance the cooperation with joint research projects and student exchanges.

The relief fund of the campaign “Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine” enables the university to provide unbureaucratic financial support to its students who are affected by the war. “In the long run, the donations will also benefit the members of our partner universities as well as representatives of the green sector in Ukraine. The prospect of being able to make at least a small contribution to the reconstruction of the wine, beverage and food industry has motivated us to go ahead with the project”, says Dr. Andrii Tarasov.

The rosé wine is sold for EUR 8,50 per bottle and can be bought during the opening hours of the winery or online ( The campaign “Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine“ is jointly organized by Hochschule Geisenheim University, VEG – Geisenheim Alumni Association e. V., and the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Hochschule Geisenheim e. V. (GFHG).

Categories: International Wine Business (B.Sc.), International, Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine, Nachrichten


© Woody T. Herner
© Woody T. Herner
© Woody T. Herner