Hochschule Geisenheim University Launches Support Program for Ukraine: "Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine"

With its campaign entitled „Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine“, the university provides a platform to pool fundraising and support initiatives for affected students, staff members and partner universities. Hochschule Geisenheim University reaffirms its commitment to stand united with Ukraine and is planning additional activities and events to raise funds and provide support. Since April 1, 2022, the campus winery donates 1 euro to the campaign for every bottle of wine sold in April and May.

We have all watched in horror as events have unfolded in Ukraine. In view of shocking images, devasting reports from eyewitnesses and the fate of students, staff, alumni and members of our partner universities and the Ukrainian wine industry, Hochschule Geisenheim University has decided to pool and expand its fundraising and support efforts for those affected by the war.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, Hochschule Geisenheim University has been in close contact with affected (exchange) students, staff members and partner universities in Ukraine.  It provides support and advice, for example by arranging accommodation for refugees. As part of its support program entitled “Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine” it has also set up a fundraising campaign in cooperation with the Geisenheim Alumni Association (VEG) and the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Hochschule Geisenheim e. V. (GFHG). The fundraiser is meant to complement existing support efforts. In the medium term, the donations will be used to help the members of our partner universities as well as people in the “green sector” in Ukraine who are affected by the war.   

"In many conversations we have got an impression of how people in Ukraine and those who have left the country are coping with the situation and what kind of support they need. Of course, Hochschule Geisenheim University alone cannot provide everything that’s needed, but for us it is a matter of course to support the affected members of our own university and our six Ukrainian partner universities  as much as possible – financially and practically," says Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz, President of Hochschule Geisenheim University. “Seeing how grateful they are encourages us to make a small contribution to the reconstruction of the local wine, beverage and food industry once the war is over.”

The campus winery complements the campaign by donating 1 euro for each bottle of wine sold in April and May. “The global wine industry is closely intertwined and we as enologists do not just want to express our solidarity but translate our words into action,” explains Prof. Dr. Monika Christmann, Head of the Department of Enology at Hochschule Geisenheim University as well as Honorary President of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV). “That is why, in addition to ongoing donations, we will launch a special edition “Peace Wine” dedicated to Ukraine. 100 % of the proceeds will be donated to the campaign.“

Further information and how to get involved: www.hs-geisenheim.de/geisenheim-hilft-ukraine.

Categories: HOCHSCHULE, Alumni, Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine, Oenologie, Nachrichten