Charity Run Challenge: Geisenheim – Kiev

1,750 kilometer for peace – Deutschlandstipendium holders are challenging YOU to run in aid of Ukraine.

In view of the suffering and destruction in Ukraine, Deutschlandstipendium holders immediately decided to hit the ground running in order to help students and Geisenheim’s partner universities that are affected by the Russian aggression.  

That’s how they came up with the idea to organize a charity run for ALL. All over the world!

The starting signal will be given on Sunday, May 8, 2022, at the Geisenheim Spring Festival “Geisenheimer Frühlingserwachen”. From this time on, runners around the world have 150 hours to take part in the charity run. All participants run for themselves and decide on their own route – no  matter where or how often they want to run within 150 hours.   

Anywhere – all over the world! #geisenheimerlaufenweltweit #geisenheimhilft

To record your time and kilometers covered, please use the app RUNTASTIC and select the group "Spendenlauf Geisenheim-Kiew", or send an e-mail with your details to wirhelfen(at) until May 15, 2022.

All registration fees will be donated to the „Geisenheim hilft!“ initiative to support HGU students who are affected by the war. Register here!


Will the runners succeed and cover 1,750 km – the distance between Geisenheim and Kiev? As challenge partners, companies can provide an additional incentive for the runners to achieve this goal by earmarking an amount of money which they donate if the challenge is successful.

For their donations, the challenge partners can choose one of the three options: 

  • a fixed donation of 1,750 € or
  • a fixed donation of 3,500 € or
  • 1.75 € for each kilometer (total kilometers covered by all runners)

During the period of 150 hours – which has been chosen as a tribute to the 150th anniversary of the institution –the university will share intermediate results on social media and post stories about runners who have chosen special or extraordinary places to run.

Be part of the challenge!


Contact: Simone Böhm,


Categories: STUDIUM, International, HOCHSCHULE, Alumni, Geisenheim hilft! Ukraine