The collection of organic residues continues!

without you it would not have been possible - we would like to thank you for the joint composting success! Now we would like to expand the action and look forward to your participation.


What exactly is it about?

In 2020/2021, the Institute for Applied Ecology collected a total of more than 300 kg of kitchen and coffee waste from four institute kitchens on the West Campus. These were fermented, preserved (processed into "Bokashi" using Effective Microorganisms),preserved for composting and further used in experiments. In this way, almost 9 kg of material per year and person could be recycled, which would otherwise have ended up in the residual waste.
Also due to the good response from the college, we now want to take up this action again. This time with the involvement of all interested institutes and departments. Due to time constraints, collection is not possible, so we ask for delivery (for example as a short digestive walk after lunch) to the greenhouse.




(C) Rotho

How to participate?

For those who are not yet familiar with the procedure:

  1. We provide collection containers with lids for each institute. These will be placed in an easily accessible location (kitchen, coffee maker).
  2. Drop off will be twice a week at the back of the Südverbinder of greenhouses, entrance "Soil science and plant nutrition"
    • Tuesday 12:30-14:30
    • Friday    12:30-14:30
  3. You will receive a rinsed container there in exchange
  4. We register and process the residues.

If you want, you can pick up bokashi as organic fertilizer for your garden/balcony by appointment. Excess will be added to our HGU composting as a nitrogen-rich material and you can then also obtain it.

See you soon, your team from the Sustainability Office!

Charlotte Rafalski
Charlotte Rafalski
Building 5901
Room 106
Phone +49 6722 502 2084
Charlotte.Rafalski(at) Details
Georg Ardissone-Krauss
Georg Ardissone-Krauss, M.Sc.
Building 5901
Room 106
Phone +49 6722 502 2081
Georg.Ardissone(at) Details