After reviewing the nominations as well as the teaching concepts submitted by the nominees, the Teaching Award was presented to three teachers.

The following statements describe very well the reasons why these three teachers were chosen.

Chemistry & Technology of Selected and New Food Products

Ralf Schweiggert
Prof. Dr. Ralf Schweiggert
Building 6120
Room 00.60
Phone über +49 6722 502 312
Ralf.Schweiggert(at) Details

Lecture and Seminar, 2nd Semester LSM & GTM

"Prof. Schweiggert's course is characterized by its high level of content and quality, coupled with his ability to meet students where they are and increase their knowledge through collaborative working on the blackboard."


Vegetation and Site Science

Ilona Leyer
Prof. Dr. Ilona Leyer
Building 1000
Room 218
Phone +49 6722 502 463
Ilona.Leyer(at) Details

Lecture, 2nd Semester LAB

"Prof. Leyer is an outstanding teacher! She knows how to challenge and support students."


Special Physiology of Horticultural Crops

Jana Zinkernagel
Prof. Dr. Jana Zinkernagel
Building 1000
Room 102
Phone über +49 6722 502 511
Jana.Zinkernagel(at) Details

Lecture and Seminar, 2nd Semester SPGWM

"When people talk about their education, they often remember one professor who was particularly inspiring as a person and in his or her specific subject. For me and for many of us, that person is Prof. Zinkernagel."


Nominees 2022 (in alphabetical order)

Nominations were made based on courses, not teachers, so individuals may be nominated more than once.


Surveying and Quantity Determination

Markus Bormuth
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Bormuth

Mathematics and Statistics

Katrin Kahlen
Prof. Dr. Katrin Kahlen
Building 6101
Room 00.03
Phone +49 6722 502 582
Katrin.Kahlen(at) Details

[Translate to English:] Landschaftskunde

Ilona Leyer
Prof. Dr. Ilona Leyer
Building 1000
Room 218
Phone +49 6722 502 463
Ilona.Leyer(at) Details

Vegetation and Site Science

Ilona Leyer
Prof. Dr. Ilona Leyer
Building 1000
Room 218
Phone +49 6722 502 463
Ilona.Leyer(at) Details

Chemistry & Technology of Selected and New Food Products

Ralf Schweiggert
Prof. Dr. Ralf Schweiggert
Building 6120
Room 00.60
Phone über +49 6722 502 312
Ralf.Schweiggert(at) Details

Special Physiology of Horticultural Crops

Jana Zinkernagel
Prof. Dr. Jana Zinkernagel
Building 1000
Room 102
Phone über +49 6722 502 511
Jana.Zinkernagel(at) Details

Business Administration

Robert Anton Göbel
Prof. Dr. Robert Anton Göbel
Building 5800
Room E4
Phone +49 6722 502 703
Robert.Goebel(at) Details


Katrin Kahlen
Prof. Dr. Katrin Kahlen
Building 6101
Room 00.03
Phone +49 6722 502 582
Katrin.Kahlen(at) Details


Ilona Leyer
Prof. Dr. Ilona Leyer
Building 1000
Room 218
Phone +49 6722 502 463
Ilona.Leyer(at) Details

Viticulture Technology Practical Exercises

Gunther Schrauth
Gunther Schrauth
Building 6003
Room 212
Phone +49 6722 502 366
Gunther.Schrauth(at) Details

Mathematics and Statistics

Kai Velten
Prof. Dr. Kai Velten
Building 6101
Room 01.11
Phone +49 6722 502 734
Kai.Velten(at) Details

Crop Protection (team nomination)

Annette Reineke
Prof. Dr. Annette Reineke
Building 6120
Room 01.56
Phone über +49 6722 502 411
Annette.Reineke(at) Details
Beate Berkelmann-Löhnertz
Prof. Dr. Beate Berkelmann-Löhnertz
Moustafa Selim
Dr. Moustafa Selim
Building 5903
Room 04
Phone +49 6722 502 419
Moustafa.Selim(at) Details