Nomination process

The following is a brief overview of the general nomination and selection process and the award procedure.


Selection procedure

Step 1 - Nomination: Instructors or teams of instructors whose digital, face-to-face or hybrid courses have been particularly inspiring are eligible for nominations. Please note that only students are entitled to nominate candidates.Nominations can be made at the end of each semester. The award recipients are awarded annually at the teaching forum.

Step 2 - Application: Nominees are notified by University Didactics & eLearning and asked to describe their teaching concept. They may use a form or additional materials such as posters or videos.

Step 3 - Selection:  The award recipients are selected by the Awards Committee, which is chaired by the Vice-President of Academic and Student Affairs. The committee consists of of students and faculty members.

Award Ceremony

The Teaching Award is presented annually at the Teaching Forum between the summer and winter semester. The 2025 Teaching Forum will be held on October 9th. Each winner receives EUR 1,500 to use for their own teaching projects.

Selection criteria

In addition to formal criteria, the Awards Committee puts special emphasis on the following qualitative criteria in the selection process:

  • Quality of teaching
  • Personal skills of the instructor
  • Practical relevance of the course
  • Course structure & study materials

That is why students are asked to provide reasons that illustrate how the nominees meet these criteria. In a second step, these explanations are compared with the teaching concept described by the instructor.