Above and Below: Towards the Future

GiESCO 2025 in Geisenheim

We are delighted to be hosting the 23rd international GiESCO conference at Hochschule Geisenheim University. The conference will take place July 27–31, 2025.

Entitled "Above and Below  – Towards the Future", the conference will address key current and future challenges in viticulture. In particular the program is focused on physiological responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, sustainable and organic viticulture, and soil and water management. These topics are crucial for addressing climate change and enhancing biodiversity in all its facets.

In addition to the scientific program, one day of the event will be dedicated to facilitating interactions with winegrowers and identifying future issues in grapevine cultivation. Young researchers are encouraged to apply for the Young Researcher Award. A visit to wineries in the Rheingau Valley and the surrounding area is also planned, which will provide an interesting insight into local growing and production conditions and allow for networking with regional growers.

For further information, please contact us at giesco2025@hs-gm.de. If you are interested in supporting this event as a sponsor, please reach out directly to https://mein-netzwerk.hs-geisenheim.de/sponsoring/ 

We hope you can join us for an inspirational exchange of knowledge and ideas at the GiESCO conference and we look forward to welcoming you to Geisenheim!

Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz (President of Hochschule Geisenheim University) |
Prof. Dr. Manfred Stoll (Head of Department of General and Organic Viticulture at Hochschule Geisenheim University) |
All members of the Scientific and Organizing Committees of GiESCO 2025

Important Dates

EARLY Bird until March 15 2025

Register NOW! 

  • Manuscript submission for OENO one: March 15, 2025
  • Deadline manuscript submission (Proceedings) SO, PDO, FO, PC: March 15, 2025
  • GiESCO Conference: 27–31 July, 2025

Above and Below - Conference Topics

The conference programme includes presentations and discussions on the climate-related challenges with regard to winemaking as well as soil management and biodiversity.


  • Physiological responses to abiotic and biotic stress
  • Organic and sustainable viticulture
  • Varieties and rootstocks in response to future challenges
  • Soil and water management
  • Digitization, mechanization and robotics
  • Maintaining and improving biodiversity
  • Data management and modelling

Professional Day:

  • Adaptation and mitigation of global warming
  • Challenges of sparkling production in response to climate change

Learn more about the Session and Professional Day topics: Abstracts


Quotes & more

"All of these topics are crucial for coping with climate change and promoting biodiversity in all its facets in viticulture. With our broad-based conference program, we want to make a holistic contribution to addressing the complex climate challenges of our time. We are looking forward to a large number of interesting presentations and guests from all over the world," comments Prof. Dr. Manfred Stoll, Head of the Institute for General and Organic Viticulture and Professor of General Viticulture at the Hochschule Geisenheim University.

"The GiESCO is honored to be hosted for its 23rd congress by the prestigious University of Geisenheim, an international benchmark in vine and wine science and technology. After the previous conference of Ithaca by the university of Cornell (USA), which brought together more than 250 specialists of the sector, the next conference will offer updates in many fields to sustain the viticulture in traditional regions and enable its development in new areas.", says Prof. Dr. Laurent Torregrosa, President of the GiESCO.

  • More about the organization and mission of the GiESCO at www.giesco.org 

About Hochschule Geisenheim University


Hochschule Geisenheim University was founded in 2013 as the result of a merger between the Geisenheim Research Institute and the Geisenheim faculty of the Hochschule RheinMain. Our university combines comprehensive research with application-oriented, practical teaching across a unique range of subjects, from wine and beverages to food, horticulture, and landscape architecture. The overarching topic of climate protection and sustainability is also an integral part of all of our degree programs and is at the center of our research.

We are Germany’s first Hochschule neuen Typs – a ‘new type’ of university – and are proud to have over 150 years of history behind us. Our origins date back to October 1872, with the founding of the Royal Prussian College for Fruit Growing and Viticulture in Geisenheim.

At the center of our approach is the holistic consideration of the entire value chain of specialty crops, including grapevines, fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. We are committed to studying the diverse production and processing methods of these crops, as well as food safety, food logistics, and the economics and marketing of wine and other beverages. Other focus areas at the university include cultural landscape development, urban open space design, landscape architecture, and conservation.

Research, education, praxis: this triad is at the beating heart of Hochschule Geisenheim University. Our goal is to find new and unique ways to make use of the interplay between these three areas; we conduct both applied and basic research, go far beyond fundamental teaching approaches with a range of practice-oriented study programs, and promote the transfer of knowledge into real-world application.

We currently offer a total of eight practice-oriented bachelor’s degree programs, five of which are available as integrated work-study programs and all of which lead to a professional qualification. Additionally, we offer ten research-based master’s degree programs and also have the right to award doctoral certificates.

With around 50 professors and numerous scientific staff members, our students are provided with extensive support and an excellent learning environment. Our students and researchers also benefit from our global network of renowned partner universities, institutions, and companies. Our degree programs, including two programs that are taught entirely in English, bring together students from over 50 different nations; approximately 14% of our current 1,600 students are from countries outside of Germany.

With more than 550 employees, Hochschule Geisenheim University is also a major regional employer. Our campus is nestled in the unique cultural landscape of the Rheingau region and has excellent connections to the broader Rhine-Main metropolitan area.


Photo: Steffen Böttcher
Photo: Steffen Böttcher
Photo: Steffen Böttcher
Photo: Steffen Böttcher
Photo: Winfried Schönbach
Photo: Torsten Silz
Photo: Woody T. Herner
Photo: Steffen Böttcher
Photo: Steffen Böttcher
Photo: Tilo Ronschke