
Media Department

Poster design, website management, social media - the media department gets all important news where they belong: to you!

Our media department is in charge of texts, graphics and posters to keep you in the loop of all activities. They also make sure great films and pictures are taken at all of our events. On top of that they make sure that the website, newsletter and our Facebook and Instagram accounts are up to date.

Contact: medien(at)

Currently part of the Media Department

David Walther (left)

Aysha Feldmann (right)

Posters from past AStA Partys

Straight outta Geisenheim, Bachelorparty WS 17/18
Heroes of our childhood, Midsemesterparty
Sparkling Wine Seminar
Gin-Tonic Seminar
Regional Wine Tasting
Posters for the Alte Weinfass