Department of Vegetable Crops


FACE ring in Geisenheim
FACE ring in Geisenheim

Project period

FACE2FACE – Effects of climate change, adjusting to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050
Within the newly established Geisenheim FACE experiment effects of future elevated atmospheric CO2-concentrations (predicted for the mid 21st century to increase by 20% compared to the current concentration of 385 ppm) will be assessed. Focusing on selected special crops like grapevine and vegetables, the Geisenheim FACE design provides the ability to analyse effects of increasing CO2-concentrations on different aspects important for viticulture and horticulture as well as for processing of the respective plant, including emission
of greenhouse gases from the soil, phenology, yield, interactions between plants and pests as well as effects on valuable compounds in berries and vegetables.

Dynamics of populations, phenology & yield – vegetables
This project concerns the impact of enhanced atmospheric CO2-concentrations in combination with drought stress on phenology and yield of field grown vegetable crops. We aim at analysing the interaction of these specific environmental cues with water use efficiency and physiological processes determining the yield. Therefore, our analysis involves both experimental data and a modelling approach, which combines plant architecture with plant functioning.

Nutritious ingredients & product quality of vegetables
This project focuses on effects of elevated CO2 and moderate water stress on the product quality of the field grown vegetable crops spinach, radish and cucumber. We will analyse valuable substances and ingredients (e.g. phenols, flavour compounds, mineral nutrients) with respect to shifts in their composition and concentration. In addition, sensory tastings are planned for evaluating changes in flavour and taste.

Founded by
Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (HMWK)


Katrin Kahlen
Prof. Dr. Katrin Kahlen
Building 6101
Room 00.03
Phone +49 6722 502 582
Katrin.Kahlen(at) Details
Jana Zinkernagel
Prof. Dr. Jana Zinkernagel
Building 1000
Room 102
Phone über +49 6722 502 511
Jana.Zinkernagel(at) Details
Hannah-Rebecca Klostermann
Hannah-Rebecca Klostermann, M.Sc.
Christine Schlering
Christine Schlering, M.Sc.