Creative experimentation and a thirst for knowledge are the best qualifications for studying Beverage Technology. The special profile in the degree program is seen in the practically-oriented focus; the students produce fruit juice and fruit-based drinks, distillates, sparkling wine and – not least – beer. They treat the products from the raw ingredients through process engineering to inspection, declaration and marketing – and through this are very well qualified for management jobs within the beverage industry.
The degree program International Wine Business focuses extensively on the production of wine, business management and marketing. In the practice-oriented modules in the areas of corporate management and international markets the students learn to act independently. Excursions, the inclusion of speakers from the industry and internships abroad or in international companies prepare you for management positions in the wine industry.
Are you equally fascinated by marketing and business as well as the art of winemaking? The English-language version of our B.Sc. International Wine Business offers you the ideal combination.
The degree course combines topics in economics with knowledge of winegrowing and winemaking. It is supported by practical projects, experts and lecturers from industry, excursions and practical training, thus equipping our graduates for various positions in the wine business.
The practically-oriented education at Hochschule Geisenheim University enjoys a good reputation worldwide, and the university's wide-ranging network makes it possible for our students to gain experience abroad, either in a study-exchange program, or in an internship.
Together with Fresenius University (Idstein), Geisenheim University educates the experts-to-be in food safety. The students analyze, assess and ensure the quality of food in an inter-disciplinary environment – they combine the competencies of food technologists and chemists. Apart from legal issues and technology, chemistry, biology and analysis are in focus, since guaranteeing food safety means the application of the natural sciences. Case studies, projects and excursions cater for optimal networking.
Innovative robotics in the vineyard, the most modern production processes as well as traditional techniques in the cellar and the direct transfer of research findings in the practice characterize the degree program. Budding enologists receive the basic tools for the growing and development of high quality wines as well as their sales. Through many internships and projects they will have the opportunity to gain career-relevant experience. The expertise in organic viticulture in Geisenheim as well as in vine cultivation and climate change research provides the students with a real increase in knowledge – and so does the international network.
Climate impact research, plant stress, phytomedicine, molecular biology and horticultural economics: the Master’s degree in Horticultural Science focuses on current issues. As well as specific research projects, the students’ agenda includes the theoretical principles of their subject, scientific work methods and the development of key qualifications. Students are welcome to complete their generally research-orientated master’s thesis – as well as their second semester – abroad.
Students on the master’s degree program Beverage Technology develop their skills in the areas of process engineering as well as food safety and technology. They gain a deeper understanding of the provenance, effect, analysis and quality testing of enriching elements in beverages. With their skills in product and process development for the beverage industry and in investment, our graduates are professionals who are much sought-after by industry as well as by inspection and supervisory authorities and research institutions.
Core modules such as Biochemistry in Plant Production or Technology and Microbiology in Enology are the key features of the academic education of master’s students on the Enology degree program. Students can set their own individual accents through their choice of profile modules, which could be anything from Wines of the World and Organic Viniculture to Distribution and Logistics for Wine and Special Enology. The students are thus comprehensively qualified for management and leadership roles in production, quality management, sales and human resource management in companies within the wine and beverage industry.
The Vinifera EuroMaster program is a joint program offered by a consortium of highly reputed European institutions of higher education (Lisbon Technical University, Portugal; Madrid Polytechnic University, Spain; Montpellier SupAgro, France; consortium of the universities of Turin and Udine, Italy; Hochschule Geisenheim University, Germany) who are active in the fields of viticulture, enology and wine business. The program is coordinated by Montpellier SupAgro.
The first year of study is jointly conducted in English by all partners of the consortium in Montpellier. During the second year, the master's students switch into one of the consortium members' master’s programs, according to their career objectives. All courses in the second year, with the exception of courses in Madrid, are taught in English. The Vinifera program mirrors the diversity of European viticulture and enology, and profits from the wealth of knowledge and experience of its partner institutions.
The program received Erasmus Mundus status in summer 2009. This is an EU-financed scholarship program aimed at highly-motivated Bachelor graduates from Europe and worldwide, who are to be trained to international management level for all sectors of the wine industry as well as for careers in scientific research.
VITIS-VINUM is a double Master's degree program, jointly delivered by a consortium of the renowned Universities of Torino (on behalf of the consortium Torino, Milano, Palermo, Sassari and Foggia), Udine (on behalf of the consortium Udine, Padova, Verona and Bolzano) and Geisenheim.
The program focuses on vine cultivation, winemaking and wine marketing, as well as quality management, analysis and certification. Besides learning about new enological procedures, students are taught how to develop effective marketing strategies – which makes them much in demand as consultants by companies in the wine sector.
Graduates of the VITIS-VINUM German-Italian double degree program are ideally equipped for managerial and leadership responsibilities in nationally and internationally active companies.
The master’s degree program Viticulture, Enology and Wine Business provides in-depth scientific knowledge, research competence, process and production engineering know-how, and entrepreneurial competence in the field of wine business. The main areas of focus are the key physiological and biochemical processes in plant production, risk management in viticulture, sensory evaluation and the development of strategic concepts for wine management. This joint degree qualifies students for managerial and leadership roles in viticultural and enological branches of the industry as well as for an academic career.