According to DIN EN ISO 5492, sensory analysis is a science that deals with the evaluation of the organoleptic properties of a test material with the aid of the human senses.
In the sensory laboratories of our university in the Department of Enology, analytical sensory testing methods are applied and taught, which are used for example in the development of products or in quality assurance/control.
The possibility of conducting sensory consumer tests in consumer research helps to answer questions about the acceptance and preference of food.
The two laboratories in the Department of Enology are equipped with 24 and 30 test stations with water connection, in accordance with DIN EN ISO 8589. The use of coloured light and the possibility of completely darkening the room make it possible to evaluate foodstuffs irrespective of their visual impression.
The test designs, data acquisition and the statistical evaluation of the data is computer-aided using sensory software FIZZ, Biosystems.
For external sensory tests, paper questionnaires can be created using the FIZZ Forms software.
Possible uses:
Sensory Evaluation seminar (Semester 1 and 2)
Product Science & Use of Fresh Products (Semester 1)
Wine Evaluation (Semester 3 and 4)