Department of Crop Protection


Climate Change Challenges for the Wine Industry

Conference organized by the Geisenheim Institut of Continuing Education highlights challenges in viticulture and winemaking in view of temperature rises and extreme weather events and offers practical management strategies for participants.

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Floral Vegetation in Steep-Slope Viticulture

Hochschule Geisenheim University research project aims to show how new terraced vineyards can be efficiently planted with cover crops which also help in nature conservation.

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German wine culture could receive UNESCO cultural heritage status

The German Wine Institute hopes that German wine culture could be listed as an intangible UNESCO cultural heritage in order to raise public awareness as well as acknowledge the efforts of all involved in the area.

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First-ever Geisenheimer Science Pub

Eduard von Lade gets a makeover!

Experience Science at first hand!

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"Agrartage" (Agriculture Days) Rheinhessen 2019 - Come on a tour with us


The "Agrartage" (Agriculture Days) Rheinhessen 2019 celebrate their 70th anniversary

“KNOWLEDGE - TECHNOLOGY - COMMUNICATION“ is the future motto of the Agriculture Days Rheinhessen. They are going to take place from January 21 to 25 2019 in Nieder-Olm.

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The Rudolf Hermanns Foundation awards prizes of up to €12,500 for outstanding achievements in all areas of viticulture and horticultural science.

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Learning creates enjoyment: Answers for tomorrow’s world

The exhibition stand of Hochschule Geisenheim University – Stand 4B52 – at the INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA HORTITECHNICA trade fair, invites visitors to stop and chat and get a glimpse of the future of viticulture and horticulture.


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Viticulture in (climate) change: challenges for production and the product

Experts from Hochschule Geisenheim University, the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin of the University of Bordeaux and the OIV - Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin discussed the problems and opportunities for the wine sector in Brussels.

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Scientists and winegrowers cooperate to make steep slope viticulture fit for the future

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Visit from the north

Students from Denmark visit our university

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