Department of Applied Ecology


Hochschule Geisenheim University Joins ICA Biodiversity Challenge (BioBlitz) 2023

Vineyard in bloom ©Karsten Mody

As a member of the “Association for European Life Science Universities” (ICA) Hochschule Geisenheim University will be joining the ICA Biodiversity Challenge/BioBlitz 2023 from May 22 to June 30, 2023. The challenge, which is open to students, staff and visitors, is designed to raise awareness of biodiversity on campus and provide an opportunity to learn more about the species found on the university grounds.

What is the ICA Biodiversity Challenge (ICA BioBlitz 2023)

The aim of a “BioBlitz” is to record as many living species (animals, plants, fungi) as possible within a designated area and timeframe. The ICA Biodiversity Challenge is one of these “BioBlitz” initiatives designed to count the number of species found on campus. Everyone is invited to join and add species into the Obsidentif, iObs or Obsmapp apps; beginning May 22, all observations made on University ground will automatically count for the challenge. The number of species registered in the apps can be tracked in real-time. In addition, it is also possible to keep track of the progress of other participating institutions.

Click here to find out how you can get involved and join the challenge. For example, we will be organizing "science walks" to bring participants and experts together to identify species.

Categories: Landschaftsarchitektur, Kompetenzzentrum Kulturlandschaft, UMSB (M.Eng.), Landschaftsarchitektur (M.Sc.), Gartenbau (B.Sc.), Landschaftsarchitektur (B.Eng.), Nachhaltigkeitsbüro, Landschaftsplanung und Naturschutz, Landschaftsbau und Vegetationstechnik, Freiraumplanung, Angewandte Ökologie