Project start: 21.10.2024
Project end: 31.12.2027
Sponsor: Regierungspräsidium Gießen
Project start: 01.11.2020
Project end: 31.10.2023
Sponsor: German Research Foundation
Project start: 01.05.2020
Project end: 30.04.2023
Sponsor: Forschungsring des Deutschen Weinbaus
Sunburn damage to grapes is a frequently recurring phenomenon, especially in hot winegrowing regions. However, sunburn is also occurring more frequently in wine-growing regions with a temperate or Mediterranean climate as a result of climate change and is increasingly becoming a problem. As weather extremes such as prolonged drought and heat waves are expected to increase with climate change, sunburn is expected to become increasingly important economically for European viticulture. The effects of water shortage and heat may reinforce each other here, as weaker growth exposes a higher number of grapes to solar radiation, thus increasing the potential for sunburn damage. Vineyards are often inadequately prepared for the increasing risks of sunburn, as little scientific attention has been paid to the subject in recent years. In practice, therefore, defoliation practices are often carried out without taking into account weather conditions, grape development or varietal susceptibility, thus risking major damage.
Project start: 28.02.2020
Project end: 31.08.2025
Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Project start: 01.02.2015
Project end: 31.01.2020
Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Growing resistant cultivars with the novel cultivation method of the minimal pruning of trellis trained grapevines (SMPH) enables to combine (1) environmental friendly and (2) economically beneficial as well as (3) climate change adapted grapevine production. To analyze new resistant grapevine cultivars in such an advanced production system, we evaluate the behavior of plants, crop, biodiversity, and resulting wines in comparison to the most common vertical shoot positioning system (VSP). We intend to unravel the cause of ripening delay upon viticultural treatments, and to develop the technological basis for a broad introduction of the new cultivation system into viticultural practice. Our comprehensive investigation will empirically and functionally address field studies where new cultivars are raised in a new cultivation concept.