Jon Hanf

Prof. Dr. habil. Jon Hanf

Phone: +49 6722 502 393
eMail: Jon.Hanf(at)
Postal Address:Von-Lade-Straße 1
D-65366 Geisenheim
Address: Building 5800
Room E11
Kreuzweg 25
65366 Geisenheim
Research Projects

Project start: 01.12.2023
Project end: 30.11.2027
Sponsor: European Commission

Wine production involves intricate interactions between species and their surroundings. Wine science is dedicated to achieving sustainable and eco-friendly production while fulfilling various wine style preferences. To harness the full potential of winemaking diversity, a comprehensive understanding of microorganisms and their roles within these ecosystems is essential. Through the study of these mechanisms, we can enhance the wine industry. The MSCA-funded Eco2Wine project has the goal of educating PhD graduates to effectively manage winemaking ecosystems and preserve biodiversity, all while promoting the sustainability of wine production and the creation of ‘natural wine’. The training programme encompasses wine ecology, innovation, business and science communication. The consortium provides training in collaboration with private companies.

Project start: 01.01.2022
Project end: 30.12.2022
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service

Wine is very important in Caucasian countries, both economically and culturally. In recent years, the importance of the wine industry has risen sharply, especially due to the fact that a large part of wine production is exported. In this context, the attractive markets in other European and non-European countries have gained in importance as export destinations in recent years. The high intensity of competition in these markets requires the confident application of economic fundamentals. Building on this, strategies of differentiation are essential in order to stand out from the crowd of competitors. This results in the first thematic focus 'Differentiation'. For the sale of wine in the Caucasus, wine tourism is also playing an increasingly important role. In order to do justice to its importance, this topic is taken up as a second focus both in the lectures and in the excursion destinations. Both focal points are brought together in a practical way in the 'Wine Tourism Project' and are also combined in the discussion rounds. The element of viticulture and oenology in Georgia will be repeated, not only because there was a great demand for this from Geisenheim and Armenian students during the previous summer schools, but also because the traditional 'amphora wines' in Georgia are currently experiencing a renaissance worldwide and have sparked a new trend, also in other wine-growing countries, such as Germany. The Summer School 2022 is planned as an analogue event with digital elements. The entire programme is to take place in person again, but the seminar content and key notes are to be broadcast live and made accessible to (pre-registered) participants worldwide. In this way, the HGU can show its presence at the international level, strengthen its international competitiveness and visibility in difficult times, not only in the Caucasus region but worldwide, and enable professional training from home through the online taster modules.

Project start: 01.01.2021
Project end: 31.12.2021
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service

Wine is essential good in Caucasian countries, both economically and culturally. In recent years, the importance of the wine industry has risen sharply, primarily since a large part of wine production is exported. In this context, the attractive markets in European and non-European countries have become important export destinations in recent years. The high intensity of competition in these markets requires the secure application of economic principles. Due to the high prices of Caucasian wines, specialized trade, in particular, plays a prominent role as a distribution channel in export. For this reason, the focus of the summer school was expanded to include the topic of "specialized wine trade." Wine tourism is playing an increasingly important role in the wine sales in the Caucasus - referring to the promotion policy of the governments as well as the activities of the GIZ (Gesellschaft für die Internationale Zusammenarbeit) in the Caucasus. Following the importance, ' wine tourism' was taken up both as lectures and excursions.

Project start: 01.01.2020
Project end: 31.12.2020
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service

The academic program, comprising 25 well-balanced sessions with varying topics, has been put together by Geisenheim University. The first digital pan caucasian summer schoo "West Meets east" addressed several species, such as world wine markets, strategy, wine marketing, viticulture, and wine-growing in Germany, Armenia, and Georgia. The representatives of the leading wine institutions and industry experts from Germany, Georgia, and Armenia provided profound insights into the current developments in wine export, import, and consumption in these three countries. Furthermore, the uniqueness of Qvevri vinification was an integral session of the digital event.

Project start: 01.01.2018
Project end: 31.12.2018
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service

In September 2018, a summer school on "Wine Business" was conducted in Tbilisi (Georgia) by Geisenheim University in cooperation with the Agricultural University of Georgia (AGRUNI) and Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU). The five-day program focused on developments on world wine markets and economics, business strategies, wine marketing and market research, and verticalization and cooperation. Additionally, the summer school included the topics viticulture and winemaking as well as the sensory evaluation of German wines. This session aimed to present Western consumers' sensory and qualitative requirements to the students and at the same time to arouse interest in Germany as a wine country.
