Sustainability and Climate Change global challenges and possibilities
Event: Annual Conference, Great Wine Capitals
Date: 24.10.2021
Location: Mainz (Deutschland)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Discussion about some aspects of the released IPCC report. International Organisation of Vine and Wine
Event: Webinar ENVIRO GROUP
Date: 21.01.2021
Location: Paris (Frankreich)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
The soil as an important part in the interaction with plant functioning and fruit quality under climate change – an integrated view on a moving target
Event: OENOVITI International Symposium
Date: 13.05.2019
Location: Athen (Griechenland)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Klimawandel im Weinbau
Event: Fachtagung des Verbandes der Kellermeister Südtirols
Date: 08.05.2019
Location: Bozen (Italien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Quelles solutions techniques pour gérer durablement le vignoble et les sols en forte pente?
Event: Symposium CERVIM
Date: 26.04.2019
Location: Lyon (Frankreich)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Water in a warmer world – is atmospheric demand changing in viticultural areas?
Event: 41. Congresso Mundial de la vina y el vino, OIV
Date: 18.11.2018
Location: Punta del Este (Uruguay)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Climatic developments in the greater Danube region and challenges for the future
Event: Intervitis Interfructa HortiThechnica
Date: 04.11.2018
Location: Stuttgart (Deutschland)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Comment la viticulture européenne conçoit son adaptation au changement climatique et quelle place elle peut tenir vis à vis avis de la production mondiale dans les prochains décennies dans le contexte de dérèglement climatique
Event: Association Météo et Climat, IPCC
Date: 28.11.2017
Location: Paris (Frankreich)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Global challenges for Viticulture due to climate change
Event: 1st International Wine Conference: Global Trends and Best Practices in the Wine World:
Implications and Recommendations for Armenia
Date: 23.11.2017
Location: Jerewan (Armenien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
The challenges and perspectives for Viticulture to improve sustainability in the context of climate change
Event: Inauguration University Centre on Food, Agriculture and Environment
Date: 21.09.2017
Location: San Michele (Italien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Climate Change and Viticulture: What can we learn from the global wine regions
Event: Washington State University Viticulture and Enology Program
Date: 17.03.2017
Location: Richland (USA (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Klimawandel und Auswirkungen auf den Weinbau
Event: Ökosoziales Forum, Fachtagung Weinwirtschaft
Date: 02.02.2017
Location: Perchtoldsdorf (Deutschland)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Environmental interactions and climate change – some open questions with respect to grapevine physiology
Event: X International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology
Date: 13.06.2016
Location: Verona (Italien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Emerging cool climate wine regions (with Greg Jones)
Event: 9th International Cool Climate Wine Symposium
Date: 26.05.2016
Location: Brighton (Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Vino: Le Nuove Frontiere: La viticoltura e l’enologia del prassimo trentennio
Event: 71° Congresso Nazionale Assoenologi
Date: 02.05.2016
Location: Verona (Italien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Quo vadis Weinbau? Wesentliche Herausforderungen der Zukunft
Event: Festsymposium 40-jährigen Bestehen des Versuchszentrum
Date: 21.11.2015
Location: Laimburg (Italien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Modeling the water balance of vineyards under various climate change scenarios
Event: 38th World Congress of Vine and Wine
Date: 06.07.2015
Location: Mainz (Deutschland)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Changement global durabilité et défis pour la production viticole. Proc. 19th Int. GiESCO Symposium
Event: Proc. 19th Int. GiESCO Symposium - Journée Professionnelle
Date: 26.06.2015
Location: Pech Rouge – Montpellier (Frankreich)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Global change sustainability and challenges for grape and wine production
Event: 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine “Southern vitiviniculture, a confluence of knowledge and nature”
Date: 09.11.2014
Location: Mendoza (Argentinien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Global change sustainability and challenges for grape and wine production
Event: American Chemical Society Symposium
Date: 10.08.2014
Location: San Francisco (USA (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Do we know the climatic and viticultural basis for the production of great Riesling wines?
Event: Internationales Riesling Symposium
Date: 26.05.2014
Location: Schloß Reinhartshausen (Deutschland)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Research challenges – cutting edge versus the needs of the industry.
Event: 8th Int. Symp. Institute of Masters of Wine
Date: 15.05.2014
Location: Florence (Italien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Die Vielfalt im Weinbau – von der Genetik bis zu den unterschiedlichen klimatischen Voraussetzungen – was sind unsere Perspektiven?
Event: Weinbautag
Date: 16.04.2014
Location: Krems (Österreich)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Les impacts du changement climatique sur la viticulture: une vision européenne.
Event: LACCAVE Symposium
Date: 20.03.2014
Location: Montpellier (Frankreich)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Fruit development - aroma formation and viticultural management options
Event: Internationaler Weinbautag
Date: 03.03.2014
Location: Großriedenthal (Österreich)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Global issues in climate related subjects
Event: Master of Wine / Österreich
Date: 15.11.2013
Location: Rust (Österreich)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Translating climate issues into the vineyard in different parts of the world: Problems and opportunities
Event: 18th International Symposium of the Group of International Experts of Vitivinicultural Systems for Cooperation (GiESCO)
Date: 11.07.2013
Location: Porto (Portugal)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Future challenges for European Viticulture
Event: Runder Tisch
Date: 13.05.2013
Location: Laimburg (Italien)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner
Todays responsibility for tomorrow’s Viticulture (Eröffnungsseminar)
Event: Intervitis Interfructa
Date: 22.04.2013
Location: Stuttgart (Deutschland)
Speaker: Schultz, Hans Reiner