Hochschule Geisenheim University and the Berufliche Schulen Rheingau Establish Competence Center for Beverage Technology and Food Science

Geisenheim University President Professor Hans Reiner Schultz (left) and Principal Martin Gehlert (right) at the signing. Photo: Marilena Schulte/Hochschule Geisenheim University

On October 24 Hochschule Geisenheim University and the Berufliche Schulen Rheingau (Rheingau Vocational Schools; BSR) signed a groundbreaking cooperation agreement with the goal of forming a nationwide competence center in the area of beverage technology and food science. Their aim is to provide students and pupils with the optimal conditions for their professional development.

“With our institutions having worked together for such a long time, this cooperation agreement simply represents the next logical step,” said Geisenheim University President Professor Hans Reiner Schultz at the signing ceremony. “I’m delighted that we are now taking this step together.”

Martin Gehlert, principal of the BSR, added: “Our institutions have a lot of areas that overlap. The BSR is the only school to offer vocational training as a winemaker in Hesse, and it's the only one to offer vocational training as a specialist in fruit juice technology in any German-speaking country. These professions are – for example – well aligned with the Beverage Technology degree program at Hochschule Geisenheim University. It makes sense to pool the expertise of our organizations, and not just because of our physical proximity.”

The cooperation agreement will allow interested BSR pupils to sit in on lectures at Hochschule Geisenheim University in the future. In addition to the Beverage Technology degree program, Geisenheim also offers courses in Food Safety and Food Chain Management. In addition, laboratories and technical facilities will be made available for pupils and students from both organizations to use. This will help ensure everyone has access to the best possible equipment while also cutting costs. The university and the BSR also hope to share staff as needed to promote a mutual exchange of knowledge.

The combination of technical vocational training at the BSR and the science-based teaching at Hochschule Geisenheim University creates a comprehensive educational platform that will equip students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Both institutions also profit from close regional networking and an exchange of knowledge with players in the industry and the academic community.

With the signing of the cooperation agreement, plans for a joint competence center are now gaining momentum and will see further development in the coming months. 

Categories: MyHGU-App, Mein-Netzwerk, Getränketechnologie (M.Sc.), Logistik und Management Frischprodukte (B.Sc.), Getränketechnologie (B.Sc.), Lebensmittelsicherheit (B.Sc.), Mikrobiologie und Biochemie, Lebensmittelsicherheit, Getränkeforschung


Raw material science as part of the Beverage Technology degree program at Geisenheim University. Photo: Torsten Silz/Hochschule Geisenheim University
Geisenheim University and the BSR intend to make joint use of such spaces as laboratories or kitchens. Photos: Torsten Silz/Hochschule Geisenheim University