Hochschule Geisenheim University Welcomes 318 First-Semester Students and Presents two Awards for Voluntary Commitment

The award winners Helena Morgret, Liisa Muikku and Anna Muno with Dipl.-Ing. agr. Sonja Thielemann, Head of the International Office (from right to left)

On October 16, 2023, Hochschule Geisenheim University welcomed 318 new students for the start of the winter semester 2023/24. During the welcome event, University President Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz, Vice-President of Academic & Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Mirjam Hey and the Mayor of Geisenheim Christian Aßmann introduced 267 Bachelor’s and 51 Master’s students to their new place of study. The university also took the opportunity to present two awards: The DAAD Prize and the “Geisenheim Prize for Voluntary Commitment”.

Hochschule Geisenheim University awards DAAD Prize 2023 to International Wine Business  student Liisa Muikku

Hochschule Geisenheim University has awarded this year’s German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Prize of 1,000 euros to Liisa Muikku from Finland. The jury selected her for her extraordinary social commitment during her studies, during which she also achieved excellent academic results.

As a very active member of the Student Parliament, Liisa Muikku is particularly committed to connecting and involving non-German speaking students in university committees to enable their full participation in university life. She is a driving force in promoting international student engagement and bringing international and national students together to build a more inclusive student body. Liisa Muikku has also been actively involved in creating a Public Relations Committee in the Student Parliament, promoting transparent communication between the Student Parliament and the student body. Furthermore, she has played an important role as a member of the Sustainability Committee. In addition to her university involvement, Liisa Muikku works as a volunteer at the Finnish School in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, where she teaches Finnish children.

Hochschule Geisenheim University appreciates and honors this special commitment with the DAAD Prize. The DAAD Prize has been awarded throughout Germany for more than ten years. The aim of the award is to raise the profile of international students at German universities and the contribution they make to science and society. Hochschule Geisenheim University has awarded the prize annually since 2016.

“Geisenheim Prize for Voluntary Commitment” goes to two Food Safety students

This year, the "Geisenheim Prize for Voluntary Commitment" is shared by two of the nominees due to their equally high level of commitment. During the welcome event for the new first-semester students, the prize was awarded to two Master's students in the Food Safety program in recognition of their tireless and long-standing social commitment.

Anna Muno has been involved with the CVW Winkel Carnival Association for many years. Since 2015, she has been the head organizer of the association's annual children’s carnival show, rhetoric seminars, and the annual children's tent camp. With her special personal commitment, she helps to ensure that the next generation can experience the positive effects of club activities on individuals and the local community. In addition to her social commitment in the Rheingau, she is also a member of the Examination Board at Hochschule Geisenheim University.

Her fellow student Helena Morgret has been involved with the Catholic Youth in her home parish for many years, holding leadership positions and helping to organize and implement activities for children. She also serves as a group leader at the annual camp, creating experiential spaces where children gain confidence and a sense of community.

With the “Geisenheim Prize for Voluntary Commitment”, which was established in 2020, the university wants to honor those students who, in addition to their outstanding academic achievements, also stand out for their special social commitment. The prize money of 500 euros was doubled this year because of the two winners.

During the award ceremony, University President Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz thanked the three award winners for their commitment: “These highly engaged students are a great asset not only to the university community, but also to society as a whole, promoting the common good. We are delighted to be able to reward this commitment with these two awards.”

Provisional number of first-semester students as of October 13, 2023.

For up-to-date numbers, please contact: Vizepraesidentin-Lehre@hs-gm.de.

Categories: MyHGU-App, Mein-Netzwerk, Lebensmittelsicherheit M.Sc., International Wine Business (B.Sc.), International, Nachrichten
