New Phylloxera-Resistant Rootstock Varieties from Geisenheim Approved

Image: Dr. Timo Strack

Hochschule Geisenheim University’s Department of Plant Breeding recently announced the official approval of two new phylloxera-resistant rootstock varieties, namely ‘Vinto’ (Vitis berlandieri x Börner; Gm 9230-3) and ‘Libero’ (125 AA x Börner; Gm 9228-45). Both varieties have been officially included in the national list of grapevine varieties after a decision by Germany's Federal Plant Variety Office on August 20, 2024.

This approval marks the successful completion of over ten years of testing for the new rootstock varieties. In addition to adaptation trials at various locations, the new rootstocks underwent five years of cutting garden trials and affinity studies, as well as four years of testing for their resistance to phylloxera. The final comparative variety test was successfully completed in 2024.

Both new varieties show a similar level of resistance to phylloxera as Börner, but with an improved active lime tolerance. While Vinto imparts medium to strong vigor to the scion (between SO4 and 125 AA), the scion is somewhat less vigorous after being grafted with Libero (approximately between 161-49 Couderc and SO4). Both new phylloxera-resistant rootstock varieties therefore allow for broader opportunities in terms of selecting plant material suited to a given site.

Since November 8, 2024, Vinto and Libero have been included in the Julius Kühn Institute’s updated list of phylloxera-tolerant rootstock varieties in the German Federal Gazette. As such, they are officially approved for use in German viticulture under the Reblausverordnung (Ordinance for Combatting Phylloxera). This means that full production of propagation materials for both varieties is now possible. Geisenheim’s Department of Plant Breeding is working to meet the needs of propagation and processing companies as best as possible by setting up propagation facilities.

Interested companies are welcome to contact the Department of Plant Breeding directly if they have any questions regarding the properties of the new rootstock varieties or with inquiries about the availability of grafting or propagation material.


Frank Manty

Hochschule Geisenheim
Department of Plant Breeding

Telephone: +49 6722 502 125

Categories: MyHGU-App, Mein-Netzwerk, PRAXIS, Presse und Kommunikation, FORSCHUNG, Rebenzüchtung, Allgemeiner und ökologischer Weinbau, Nachrichten


Photo: Dr. Timo Strack