Graduation Ceremony and Doctoral Degree Award at Hochschule Geisenheim University

162 students of Hochschule Geisenheim University graduated with Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the graduation ceremony on February 14, 2020, which was held in the Laiendormitorium at Eberbach Monastery. Professor Annette Reineke, Vice-President of Research, also presented Holger Linck with his doctoral degree.

Once a Geisenheimer – always a Geisenheimer. An important chapter in the lives of 162 graduates of Hochschule Geisenheim University came to an end on February 14, 2020, when they received their degree parchments in a graduation ceremony marking the end of the 2019/2020 winter semester, which was held in the Laiendormitorium of Eberbach Monastery. At the same time, as emphasized in speeches given by Professor Hans Reiner Schultz, President of Hochschule Geisenheim University, Professor Otmar Löhnertz, Vice-President, Academic and Student Affairs, and Robert Lönarz, President of the VEG – Geisenheim Alumni Association e. V., the door to the strong, international Geisenheim community remains open. All three speakers urged the graduates to remain a part of the University, be it through taking part in training courses or continuing to strengthen our network - which in turn, as Lönarz reminded them, help guard against the onset of "Geisenheimweh" or a longing for Geisenheim.

The speeches were followed by a ceremonial address, given by Dr. Daniel Deckers, entitled „Gern führe ich Wein im Munde“ ("sipping wine is just divine") about Hermann Fürst Pückler, garden designer and gastronomy fan, in which Dr. Deckers delivered an entertaining historical tour linking the study and research areas of Hochschule Geisenheim University. As a lecturer at the university, Deckers regularly gives talks on the history of German wine.

Dr. Holger Linck receives his Doctoral Certificate

During the graduation ceremony, Professor Annette Reineke, Vice-President of Research, presented Holger Linck with his doctoral certificate. In his dissertation "Diagnosis, Transmission, and Management of Phytoplasmas infecting Rubus Species", the scientist worked with the so-called Rubus stunt in a project funded by the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food.

Rubus stunt is one of the most economically relevant diseases affecting raspberries, blackberries and other species of the genus Rubus. It is caused by phytoplasmas, small cell-wall-less bacteria that settle in the vascular bundles of plants (phloem) and cause yield losses of up to 100 percent in many crops. The doctorate was carried out in a cooperation between Hochschule Geisenheim University and the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, and Environmental Management of Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen.

Graduation Award Landscape Architecture for innovative, user-group oriented transfer of theory into practise

The Graduation Award was presented to Paula Davelaar Burgers, a graduate of the M.Sc. Landscape Architecture program. Her thesis "Puzzles of Nature – the Development of a Maintenance Manual for the Outdoor Areas of the Mosbacher Berg High School, with a Focus on Green Areas" demonstrated an impressive transfer of theory to practise. The prize winner involved both teachers and students to work out a user-friendly maintenance and development concept, and in the resulting manual, building blocks for the further development of the school's open spaces are provided.

The prize of 500 euros is sponsored jointly by the German Society for Garden and Landscape Design, the Hesse regional branch of the German Association of Landscape Architects (bdla), the Professional Association for Garden, Landscape and Sports Field Construction of Hessen/Thuringia, and the Hesse Association for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management.

Peter Romeis Foundation honors best graduates of B.Sc. Food Safety program 

The Peter Romeis Foundation honored the best graduate of B.Sc. Food Safety. In his bachelor thesis, Marc Schneider dealt with the statistical analysis of 1H-NMR marjoram and oregano samples and their corruption in the context of authenticity testing. He received a book prize and an invitation to visit the Institut Romeis Bad Kissingen GmbH from the foundation, whose purpose is to promote education, training, science and research in brewing, beverage and food technology.

Categories: Weinbau, Önologie und Weinwirtschaft (M.Sc.), VITIS-VINUM (M.Sc.), Vinifera EuroMaster (M.Sc.), UMSB (M.Eng.), Landschaftsarchitektur (M.Sc.), Weinwirtschaft (M.Sc.), Oenologie (M.Sc.), Getränketechnologie (M.Sc.), Gartenbauwissenschaft (M.Sc.), International Wine Business (B.Sc.), Internationale Weinwirtschaft (B.Sc.), Logistik und Management Frischprodukte (B.Sc.), Gartenbau (B.Sc.), Getränketechnologie (B.Sc.), Lebensmittelsicherheit (B.Sc.), Landschaftsarchitektur (B.Eng.), Weinbau und Oenologie (B.Sc.), Deutsch-Italienischer Doppel-Bachelor, Alumni, Akademische Feier-News, Nachrichten


Dr. Holger Linck and Professor Annette Reineke
Dr. Daniel Deckers
Landscape Architecture prize is awarded to Paula Davelaar Burgers.

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