“Food safety – more relevant than ever”

[Translate to English:] Lea Unvericht und Nils Dächert mit Dr. Eva Spindler-Raffel (l.) und Prof. Dr. Simone Loos-Theisen, Studiengangsleiterin Lebensmittelsicherheit (r.).

The very first cohort of students of the “Food Safety” Bachelor Program have just graduated from Hochschule Geisenheim University.


Three years ago, Hochschule Geisenheim University designed the Food Safety B.Sc. Program to educate future professionals. Graduates of the program acquire the qualifications required to work in the food sector alongside food chemists, veterinarians and nutritionists. The curriculum offers a grounding in science, analytics, microbiology, hygiene and technology as well as food law, quality management and auditing.

Together with the private college, Hochschule Fresenius Idstein, Hochschule Geisenheim University launched the degree program in the 2015/16 winter semester, with students of the program thus graduating in February 2019. “Companies in the food sector are showing great interest in the program; this shows that food safety in Germany is more relevant than ever and plays an important role in the industry”, stated Professor Simone Loos-Theisen, head of the program.

The first graduates of the program wrote their Bachelor theses in direct cooperation with companies: for example, Lea Unvericht wrote about the “Implementation of a Food Fraud-Prevention-System in Medium-sized Companies” in cooperation with the Löser GmbH & Co. KG Waffelfabrik in Taunusstein (a company producing waffles). Similarly, Nils Dächert worked with a honey production company on his thesis entitled, “Creation of a HACCP-Concept for Honey”.

During the graduation ceremony at Hochschule Geisenheim University, both graduates received book prizes for their outstanding work and invitations to seminars from the Peter-Romeis foundation. “Frau Unvericht’s and Herr Dächert’s theses deal with topics we are interested in at the foundation’s food quality and safety department”, stated engineer and head of the foundation Ingrid Schmittnägel. The foundation aims to support education and training in science and research in the fields of brewing, beverage and food technology.   

Anyone interested in the Food Safety degree program, which offers practice-oriented teaching through excursions, case study projects and contact with industry professionals, is welcome to register for the upcoming winter semester. The application period opens in May 2019. A 12-week pre-internship or a completed apprenticeship in a related professional field is a requirement of the course.

Categories: STUDIUM, Lebensmittelsicherheit (B.Sc.), Lebensmittelsicherheit, Nachrichten


[Translate to English:] Die ersten Absolventen des Studiengangs Lebensmittelsicherheit (B.Sc.)

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