Andrii Tarasov

Ph.D. Andrii Tarasov

Phone: +49 6722 502 187
eMail: Andrii.Tarasov(at)
Postal Address:Von-Lade-Straße 1
D-65366 Geisenheim
Address: Building 6201
Room R317
Blaubachstraße 19
65366 Geisenheim
Research Projects

Project start: 01.01.2021
Project end: 31.12.2021
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service

Wine is essential good in Caucasian countries, both economically and culturally. In recent years, the importance of the wine industry has risen sharply, primarily since a large part of wine production is exported. In this context, the attractive markets in European and non-European countries have become important export destinations in recent years. The high intensity of competition in these markets requires the secure application of economic principles. Due to the high prices of Caucasian wines, specialized trade, in particular, plays a prominent role as a distribution channel in export. For this reason, the focus of the summer school was expanded to include the topic of "specialized wine trade." Wine tourism is playing an increasingly important role in the wine sales in the Caucasus - referring to the promotion policy of the governments as well as the activities of the GIZ (Gesellschaft für die Internationale Zusammenarbeit) in the Caucasus. Following the importance, ' wine tourism' was taken up both as lectures and excursions.

Project start: 01.01.2020
Project end: 31.12.2020
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service

The academic program, comprising 25 well-balanced sessions with varying topics, has been put together by Geisenheim University. The first digital pan caucasian summer schoo "West Meets east" addressed several species, such as world wine markets, strategy, wine marketing, viticulture, and wine-growing in Germany, Armenia, and Georgia. The representatives of the leading wine institutions and industry experts from Germany, Georgia, and Armenia provided profound insights into the current developments in wine export, import, and consumption in these three countries. Furthermore, the uniqueness of Qvevri vinification was an integral session of the digital event.