Marianne Darbi is an environmental planner and researcher with many years of experience in landscape and spatial planning. Her research focuses on biodiversity conservation and management as well as impact mititgation in national and international contexts, sustainable land use, green economy and market-based instruments. She is particularly interested in policy and societal advice, as well as the practical and international relevance of research. She also wants to convey this to the students at HGU.
Marianne Darbi studied at Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) and École d'Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux (Frannce). She holds a diploma in landscape architecture and a PhD in engeneering (Dr.-Ing.), both from Technische Universität Dresden (Germany).
Prior to joining the Hochschule Geisenheim University as professor for landscape planning and impact mitigation in June 2020, she worked at the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development in Dresden (Germany) from 2007 to 2016. In 2017-2020, she worked at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig at the interface of science, politics and society in the field of nature and biodiversity conservation and coordinated, among others, the German Network Forum on Biodiversity Research (NeFo).
In her research work, Marianne Darbi has focused on biodiversity offsets. This term refers to measures that are intended to compensate for the negative impacts of interventions in the environment, for example through construction or infrastructure projects. Her doctorate on the topic of Voluntary Biodiversity Offsets was awarded the Study Prize of the German Society for Environmental Impact Assessment in 2016.
Project start: 01.11.2024
Project end: 31.10.2027
Sponsor: European Commission