Support Services & Representatives

Representative for IT‐Security


The basis of the work is the information security guideline for the Hessian state administration (StAnz. 2016 p. 802 of 01.08.2016) in the currently valid version..


Accordingly, responsibility for adequate information security in the division (here HMWK) lies with the head of the division. It provides the necessary human and financial resources. The university management is responsible for adequate information security to the extent assigned to it. An IT-Security officer must be appointed for each subordinate department and thus also for the HGU. The IT-Security Officer responsible for the HGU coordinates measures to improve information security. She/he and her/his representative are shown in the business allocation plan. He or she can contact the head of the department and the information security officer of the department directly. The IT-Security Officer is supported in his/her work by the IT organization in his/her area of responsibility.


Markus Diehl
Dipl.-Verwaltungsw. Markus Diehl, MPA
Building 9006
Room 1 OG links
Phone +49 6722 502 621
Markus.Diehl(at) Details