FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING includes accounts payable (incoming invoices) and accounts receivable (outgoing invoices), asset accounting, cash desk and the settlement of excursions.
In financial accounting, the commercial annual financial statements, this means Balance sheet and income statement as well as the quarterly reports.
All investments are processed in asset accounting and HGU's fixed assets are managed in accordance with the accounting guidelines. Financial accounting is also the central point of contact for all tax and customs matters.
The Geisenheim University has additional funds to improve the quality of study and teaching and various programs through the product budget of the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art.
The use of funds is earmarked and is therefore intended only for measures that serve the respective program.
Proof of use must be kept here and the actual expenditure compared to the PLAN expenditure according to the underlying financial plan when the respective project is completed.
THRD-FUND MANANGMENT comprises the financial management and implementation of all third-party funded projects of the HGU, advice on the various modalities of EU funds, in particular with regard to procedural and fiscal effects, as well as the preparation of requests for funds and statements of exenditure.