
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

Hochschule Geisenheim University hosts first OENOBIO Summer School

OENOBIO, an ERAMUS+ funded project, brings together students and experts from five European higher education institutions. The first summer school focuses on „Organic Viticulture and Enology“.

Organic wine markets and valid regulations of organic grapevine production as well as the objectives and principles for organic grapevine production and organic winemaking are in the scope of the first OENOBIO Summer School which takes place at ...

Geisenheim University's Beverage Technology Center Proud of New Teaching Distillery
Prof. Frank Will and Stefan Hafen from Arnold Holstein at the opening; image: Prof. Frank Will

Practical teaching can now join the Gin, Whisky and Rum hype.

July 3, 2019 at last marked the opening of the new teaching distillery at Hochschule Geisenheim University's Beverage Technology Center, which was funded by resources for ensuring quality in teaching and studying.

The 50-liter copper still at the ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University bids farewell to 150 graduates

Highlights of the graduation ceremony were the presentation of the doctorate to Khalil Bou Nader as well as prizes for five outstaning Bachelor theses from the various degree programs

At the graduation ceremony on July 12 marking the end of the 2019 summer semester, 150 graduating students received their bachelor and master degrees. A highlight of the ceremony was the awarding of the doctorate to Khalil Bou Nader, whose ...

Lecture held by Dr. Omar Bellido, a guest scientist from Peru
[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Tina Kissinger

Opportunities for collaboration and research projects at the UNSA, Peru

Food technologist Dr. Omar Bellido from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín (UNSA, Arequipa, Peru) is currently cooperating with Prof. Ralf Schweiggert from Hochschule Geisenheim University's Department of Beverage Research in a small bilateral ...

Practical experiences in the bachelor's degree program International Wine Business

Thank you, project partners! A short note on how important the direct link to practice is for the students of the degree program International Wine Business.

The summer semester 2019 at Hochschule Geisenheim University is now coming to an end, and the students of the International Wine Business degree program gained a lot of theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

We want to thank Calle Nilsson ...

Market Research to Support Export Success of German Wine
[Translate to English:] Evelyn Pabst mit Assoc. Prof. Armando Corsi © University of South Australia

Successful cooperation in postgraduate education between Hochschule Geisenheim University and the University of South Australia in Adelaide

Evelyn Pabst, M.Sc., has been carrying out research in the improved marketing of German wine for export, since the middle of 2017, as a doctoral student in the Geisenheim University's Department of Wine and Beverage Business. The project, which is ...

12th ISHS Rubus & Ribes Symposium in Germany and Switzerland
[Translate to English:] Verleihung der ISHS Urkunden und Medaillen durch Vertreter des ISHS an die drei Veranstalter der Tagung; von links nach rechts: C. Finn, USA, K. Hummer, USA, P. Oliveira, Portugal, G. Muster, Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Weinsberg, E. Krüger, Hochschule Geisenheim, und C. Carlen, Agroscope Schweiz © Ludger Linnemanntöns

The 12th International Rubus & Ribes Symposium (raspberries and blackberries, as well as redcurrants and gooseberries) in Germany and Switzerland at the end of June, 2019, was organized by, among others, Dr. Erika Krüger from the Geisenheim University's Department of Pomology.

More than 200 scientist, breeders, consultants and some growers from 37 countries met from June 22 to 28, 2019, for the 12th International  Rubus & Ribes (raspberries and blackberries, as well as redcurrants and gooseberries) Symposium held by the ...

First class held live from India

"Horticulture in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics" – Hochschule Geisenheim University's first Webinar using DFN Adobe Connect.

As part of the "International Horticulture" module, a lecture was held by Dr. Wolfram Spreer, a scientist currently working at the well-known World of Vegetable Center in Hyderabad, Indien, and whose area of expertise is Agricultural Technology in ...

Experiencing the wine industry in France

An Exursion for Students of International Wine Business (B.Sc.)

An article by Zhichao Li, Fengming Yang, Ruotong Zhao, Chi Ching Schöpke and Lilian Hong, Students of International Wine Business (B.Sc.)

We, a group of International Wine Business students from Asia – Zhichao Li, Fengming Yang and Ruotong Zhao from ...

Wine Tourism Seminar at Burgundy School of Wine & Spirits Business, Dijon
© Susan Bail

The Beginning of a fruitful Collaboration

An article by Susan Bail, Student of International Wine Business (B.Sc.)

As part of a new collaboration between the esteemed Burgundy School of Business BSB and Hochschule Geisenheim University, six students from International Wine Business and ...