
Inaugural Lectures Showcase the Work of Our Newly Appointed Professors

[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach

With some pandemic-related delays, our newly appointed professors finally had the chance to deliver their inaugural lectures in the Gerd-Erbslöh Lecture Hall on November 04, 2021. The lectures were organized as a mix of online and on-site event.

In her lecture entitled “Von Äpfeln und Birnen/Trauben – eine kleine Exkursion in die Welt erwünschter und unerwünschter Inhaltsstoffe”, Prof. Dr. Bianca May, Professorship for Wine and Beverage Chemistry discussed the role of desired and undesired substances in food.

>>Stress increases productivity, all roads lead to Rome and product quality starts with the raw material. But is that always true? And what do grapes and boars have in common? A short journey into biosynthesis, the induction of desired substances and strategies to avoid undesired components.

Prof. Dr. Marianne Darbi, Professorship for Landscape Planning and Impact Mitigation focused on the subject of species extinction and the loss of habitat. The lecture entitled “Zwei Frösche für einen Hasen - kann man Artensterben und Lebensraumverlust kompensieren?” discussed the question if there a ways to balance the loss in natural habitats and species.

>>The overexploitation of natural resources and the loss of natural environment and the diversity of species and habitats is one of the greatest challenges humanity is facing today. At the same time, economic and social concerns are often given priority over the protection of biodiversity. What are the consequences if certain developments cannot be avoided?

The inaugural lectures were a wonderful opportunity for staff and students to get to know the new professors and learn more about their research. A little reception in the foyer rounded off the event.



[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach
[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach
[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach