News from the Department of General and Organic Viticulture


New from BAG (Bordeaux-Adelaide-Geisenheim) Alliance:

The signatories: Prof. Markus Herderich, Australian Wine Research Institute; Prof. Manuel Tunon de Lara, President Université de Bordeaux and Prof. Hans Reiner Schultz; in the Background are representatives of the Region Nouvelle Aquitaine, Ludovic Lareynie (left) and Moritz Kummer, Hesse (right); Image: Hugues Bretheau, Univ. Bordeaux

A new cooperation contract is signed and continues focus on sustainable agriculture and adapting to climate change.

Representatives of the BAG Alliance (Université de Bordeaux – Australian Wine Research Institute, Adelaide – Hochschule Geisenheim University) met on June 24, 2019, for their AGM and to discuss future strategies for the research alliance, which has around thirty international participating scientists. After the presentation of research projects undertaken over the past five years, future projects and strategic topics were presented by researchers and department heads from participating institutions. These new research areas were then included in the new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), extending the BAG Alliance to 2024. The agreement was signed by Prof.  Manuel Tunon de Lara, President of Université de Bordeaux, Prof. Hans Reiner Schultz, President of Hochschule Geisenheim University, Dr. Dan Johnson, Director of the  Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI), represented by Prof. Markus Herderich, AWRI, as well as representatives of the state of Hesse and the region Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

The objective of this agreement is the further development of adaptation to climate change and methods of sustainable agriculture, which includes responsible management of tomorrow's wine-growing areas and respect for the environment. The BAG-Alliance will be strategically involved in a number of national initiatives, including, for example, the French exellence initiative LABEX COTE (an exellence laboratory for the coastal regions).  

In this context, joint dissertations will also be prioritized.

Further information can be found here:


Categories: BAG-Projekt


Image: Hugues Bretheau, Univ. Bordeaux
Image: Hugues Bretheau, Univ. Bordeaux
Image: ISVV
Image: ISVV