News from the Department of General and Organic Viticulture


Hochschule Geisenheim University hosts first OENOBIO Summer School


OENOBIO, an ERAMUS+ funded project, brings together students and experts from five European higher education institutions. The first summer school focuses on „Organic Viticulture and Enology“.

Organic wine markets and valid regulations of organic grapevine production as well as the objectives and principles for organic grapevine production and organic winemaking are in the scope of the first OENOBIO Summer School which takes place at Hochschule Geisenheim University July 15 to 27, 2019. The two-week intensive course is part of the OENOBIO project which is ERAMUS+ funded, and connects five universities and associations. Partners are the University of Bordeaux, the University Rovira y Virgili of Tarragona, the University of Torino, the University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Hochschule Geisenheim University, the Syndicat des Vignerons Bios Nouvelle Aquitaine and ECOVIN. Within the three-year project three summer schools will be held.
