News from the Department of General and Organic Viticulture


Hochschule Geisenheim University hosts first OENOBIO Summer School


OENOBIO, an ERAMUS+ funded project, brings together students and experts from five European higher education institutions. The first summer school focuses on „Organic Viticulture and Enology“.

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First-ever Geisenheimer Science Pub

Eduard von Lade gets a makeover!

Experience Science at first hand!

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ProWein 2019 – We'll be there!

Come and see us in Hall 14, stand B58.

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Mezcal – A spirit with many faces

An article by Jan Hendrik Giersiepen.

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Wine tourism generates 5.5 billion euros

Hochschule Geisenheim University, together with the German Wine Institute (DWI), has conducted a scientific survey on the economic significance of wine tourism. According to the survey’s results, 50 million people travel to German wine regions per year, creating approximately 86,000 jobs and...

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ProWein Business Report: The world's most comprehensive trend barometer for the international wine industry

The report was presented at an international press forum in Shanghai.

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25 Years of Geisenheim Business Analysis

Conference on Digital Evaluation for Wineries

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"Agrartage" (Agriculture Days) Rheinhessen 2019 - Come on a tour with us


The "Agrartage" (Agriculture Days) Rheinhessen 2019 celebrate their 70th anniversary

“KNOWLEDGE - TECHNOLOGY - COMMUNICATION“ is the future motto of the Agriculture Days Rheinhessen. They are going to take place from January 21 to 25 2019 in Nieder-Olm.

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Sensory evaluation training in 2019: We are looking for new panelists

In mid-March 2019, the Department of Enology is offering sensory evaluation training.

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Future challenges in wine business

Round Table at the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) in Uruguay

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