Institut für Phytomedizin


Learning creates enjoyment: Answers for tomorrow’s world

The exhibition stand of Hochschule Geisenheim University – Stand 4B52 – at the INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA HORTITECHNICA trade fair, invites visitors to stop and chat and get a glimpse of the future of viticulture and horticulture.


How will wine taste in the year 2050? What influence do rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have on our plants, soils, microorganisms and insects – and thus on vines and horticultural crops, too? And how can the anticipated extreme weather conditions and their consequences be attenuated?

Businesses in the green sector, in particular, need economic and sustainable solutions to help them meet the challenges of climate change. They can turn for support to the scientists of Hochschule Geisenheim University who are addressing precisely these issues: the goal of their research is to find answers for tomorrow’s world.

Visitors to the INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA HORTITECHNICA trade fair, which is being held in Stuttgart, November 4 to 6, 2018, can discover the wide range of research and practical projects underway at Hochschule Geisenheim University. Digitalization plays a major role here, as it offers unprecedented opportunities and is to be found everywhere, from soil analysis and irrigation management to fermentation control and marketing. Alongside these topics our scientists will be presenting information on robotics and its possible applications in phenotyping or in vineyard work.  And why not take the opportunity to scan your own body with a thermal imaging camera? Visitors can discover all sorts of interesting facts first-hand at the Hochschule Geisenheim University stand.

Our trade fair team will also be presenting the university’s wide range of study programs, concentrating particularly on the areas of viticulture and horticulture. But that’s not all the Geisenheim campus has to offer: interested visitors can discover its culinary side as well: besides wines and Sekt from the University winery, they’ll also be able to taste original Geisenheim chocolates. And to round off, the Geisenheim exhibition stand will also be serving professionally prepared coffee - also from our own roasting house! So just follow your nose! The future’s calling, Geisenheim’s calling: Hall 4, Stand 4B52.