Institut für Phytomedizin


Prof. Annette Reineke re-elected as Vice President of Research at Hochschule Geisenheim University

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Annette Reineke

The Head of the Department of Crop Protection will hold the office for a further three years and wants to continue to actively contribute to the best possible networking of research.

At the Recommendation of the President of Hochschule Geisenheim University, Prof. Hans Reiner Schultz, the extended senate of the University re-elected Prof. Annette Reineke as Vice President of Research in its election meeting on May 19, 2020. This will be the second term of office for the 52-year-old, who has held the office since September 1, 2017, and will begin on September 1, 2020. "Annette Reineke is for me, and according to the election results, for the overwhelming majority at Hochschule Geisenheim University, exactly the right person for this position and I am looking forward to tackling the challenges with her in the coming years together in the President's Council," said Schultz.

As Vice President of Research, Reineke will continue to be responsible for research funding, knowledge transfer and junior scientists, with leadership of the Doctoral Committee. Reineke, who studied agricultural science, did her doctorate at the Department of Crop Protection at the University of Hohenheim where she did her post-doctorate research in the field of plant protection and entomology in 2006. In June 2006 she became Head of the Department of Crop Protection with a Professorship for Crop Protection at the former Geisenheim Research Institute. Her research focuses on insects as pests of vines and horticultural crops. The emphasis is on the analysis of interactions between insects and microorganisms as well as between insects and plants under changing climatic conditions.

"I am looking forward to a second term as Vice President of Research and to the continued excellent cooperation, especially with the university's President's Council and my team. The successful implementation of our research information system is also particularly important to me, with its storage and use of research data within the framework of the Open Science Strategy," said Reineke. "In addition, I would like to continue to make an active contribution to the best possible networking of our research and the research infrastructure required for it, both internally and externally, and to comprehensively communicate findings from our projects."

Together with the re-elected Vice President of Research and the University President, Hochschule Geisenheim University's President's Council is made up of the Chancellor, Marion Waldeck, MBA, as well as the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Alexander von Birgelen.

Hochschule Geisenheim University congratulates Prof. Annette Reineke on her re-election, wishing her continued success and looks forward to a constructive cooperation in the future.