Competence Center Cultural Landscape (CULT)


Today's modern age is causing great changes in cultural landscapes. The use of landscapes through intensification of land use (agriculture, forestry, settlements, energy generation etc.) leads to ever more profound changes in these high-quality cultural landscapes. Characteristics such as historical elements and diversity, which determine value are irretrievably lost.

The Competence Centre Cultural Landscape works on these current social challenges of sustainable development of the cultural landscape in a cooperative network. To this end, we organise specialist events and further training and thus promote the development of professional standards.

Upcoming Events

Survival Ecology - New pathways for European nature conservation? September 05th 2024, 11-13 am (CET) Online session

"From the Mediterranean to the Middle Rhine: Focus on Climate Change - Cultural Heritage in Heat Shock", June 24, 2024: Boppard|Climate Adaptation for Historic Gardens. Final conference of the research project Action Strategies for Climate Adaptation: Experiential Knowledge of the State Garden Administration. June 20-22, 2024: Fürst-Pükler-Park Bad Muskau

viSiOONWALD 2024: On knowledge and action in the climate crisis - a search for solutions at a societal level. 29 April-1 May 2024: Soonwald Forest Adventure Center|Geisenheim Wine Tourism Conference 2024: Mobility and Sustainability, 03.05.2024, Hochschule Geisenheim University, Geisenheim


If you have any questions or if you would like to cooperate please write an email at kult(at)


Presentation of the Professor Müller-Thurgau Award 2018

photo: Winfried Schönbach, Hochschule Geisenheim

Federal minister of agriculture Julia Klöckner and Robert Lönarz acknowledge Dr. Franz Josef Jung and his nephew Ingmar Jung for their commitment to the „hip university“


The VEG-Geisenheim Alumni Association e.V. awards the Professor Müller-Thurgau award to those who have shown special commitment to nowadays Hochschule Geisenheim University. „For the first time in history the prize is awarded to a family“ said Julia Klöckner during her speech in the “Spätlesereiter” hall at Schloss Johannisberg. Klöckner wondered „why is it only now that they receive the award? Both have a very special relationship to wine and were practically (wine-) bottle-fed“ Klöckner said jokingly. Dr. Franz Josef Jung who is also godfather to Ingmar Jung has left „a significant imprint on German politics and has an excellent knowledge of wine“. However his position as a former federal minister is of only marginal importance when it comes to the award. The decisive reason were his years as a state secretary for the Hessian ministry for science and arts.

In her speech Klöckner also mentioned the termination of the “Staatsvertrag“ (a contract between the Hochschule and the state) by Rhineland-Palatinate in 2010. It was this event that sparked the founding of nowadays Hochschule Geisenheim University. The two laureates played a significant role in this national pioneer project. „The termination of the contract was a politically controversial decision, but it gave us the chance to turn everything upside down. This wouldn’t have been possible without the spirit and commitment of Hochschule Geisenheim University“ said Ingmar Jung, thanking the VEG and the „hip university“.

His uncle’s commitment to Hochschule Geisenheim goes back to 1991 when he became the chair of the Geisenheim “Förderverein” (association). In his acceptance speech Jung talked about his own development as well as that of the Hochschule, promising to “continue supporting Geisenheim in one way or the other”.

“We’re holding a meeting of the federal ministry for wine” said Ingmar Jung jokingly. All three are members of the CDU and have a connection to wine-making. Dr. Franz Josef Jung and Ingmar Jung both come from a family of vintners and Klöckner’s brother graduated from Hochschule Geisenheim University.

“A good choice” said vice-president of academic & student affairs Prof. Dr. Otmar Löhnertz. President of the alumni association Robert Lönarz emphasized that without Dr. Franz Josef Jung and his nephew the Hochschule wouldn’t be what it is today. Lönarz surprised everyone attending the ceremony when he presented the federal minister with a custom made “Klöckner-Weinelf-jersey”. To end the event VDP Rheingau chairman Wilhelm Weil led a tour around the “Rheingau Open” in the “Fürst von Metternich” hall.




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