Competence Center Cultural Landscape (CULT)


Today's modern age is causing great changes in cultural landscapes. The use of landscapes through intensification of land use (agriculture, forestry, settlements, energy generation etc.) leads to ever more profound changes in these high-quality cultural landscapes. Characteristics such as historical elements and diversity, which determine value are irretrievably lost.

The Competence Centre Cultural Landscape works on these current social challenges of sustainable development of the cultural landscape in a cooperative network. To this end, we organise specialist events and further training and thus promote the development of professional standards.

Upcoming Events

Survival Ecology - New pathways for European nature conservation? September 05th 2024, 11-13 am (CET) Online session

"From the Mediterranean to the Middle Rhine: Focus on Climate Change - Cultural Heritage in Heat Shock", June 24, 2024: Boppard|Climate Adaptation for Historic Gardens. Final conference of the research project Action Strategies for Climate Adaptation: Experiential Knowledge of the State Garden Administration. June 20-22, 2024: Fürst-Pükler-Park Bad Muskau

viSiOONWALD 2024: On knowledge and action in the climate crisis - a search for solutions at a societal level. 29 April-1 May 2024: Soonwald Forest Adventure Center|Geisenheim Wine Tourism Conference 2024: Mobility and Sustainability, 03.05.2024, Hochschule Geisenheim University, Geisenheim


If you have any questions or if you would like to cooperate please write an email at kult(at)


Hochschule Geisenheim University and Die Wirtschaftspaten e. V. Sign Cooperation Agreement

It is the aim of this strategic partnership to qualify students, alumni and research scientists of Hochschule Geisenheim University for becoming independent entrepreneurs and to support specific start-up plans.

The cooperation agreement with the association "Die Wirtschaftspaten e. V." (Business Mentors) allows Hochschule Geisenheim University to improve the range of services offered in support of their students and alumni in the future. It is the aim of this strategic partnership to raise students´, alumni´s and research scientists´ awareness of entrepreneurial activities and qualify them accordingly. In addition, the cooperation focuses on education and advanced training of potential founders and on supporting specific start-up plans by providing coaching services.

"Founding a new business and company succession are major topics for our students in our diverse degree programs. We are therefore very pleased to have found a strong partner with the Business Mentors who will offer our students and alumni their expertise and advice in this area and provide them with all information on how to found a new business, and also with commercial know-how, " says Prof. Dr. Otmar Löhnertz, Hochschule Geisenheim University’s Vice-President of Economic and Student Affairs. The cooperation agreement does not only comprise advisory services and guidance for students during their career orientation phase and when it comes to company succession but also various events and workshops relating to the topics.

"All students and alumni of Hochschule Geisenheim University are highly qualified in their respective fields and have excellent business ideas. We would like to give these young people the necessary knowledge to enable them to set up a business based on their own ideas and dare to step into self-employment, "  explains Helmut Eikelmann, Chairman of  "Die Wirtschaftspaten e. V.". Furthermore, according to the association´s representative, especially university spin-offs will allow research results to be rapidly turned  into marketable products. 

The association "Die Wirtschaftspaten e. V." pursues the aim of promoting general and professional education as well as assisting students by passing on the knowledge and expertise of former managers from industry, trade, commerce and banking. After retirement, they support young people according to the motto "The older generation helps the young generation". The association provides advice on all topics relating to founding a company, securing a business and company succession.


CULT Download Area

In the CULT Download Area you can download files from the CULT-network. These are sorted by date and, if necessary, by the respective event. However, some files are not intended for publication. To download them you need a password. You will receive this by sending us an e-mail.